Preschool home learning week beginning 1st June 2020
Good morning we hope you have had a lovely half term.
This terms challenges will be around life cycles and the first one we are going to look at is the life cycle of the butterfly.
1. Draw or paint a picture of a caterpillar or a butterfly. What colours do you need? What parts are there on the mini beast? Talk to someone about the picture.
2. Can you complete the life cycle of the butterfly. What is first, second, third and finally?
Butterfly cocoon egg on a leaf caterpillar
3. Draw around your foot then cut it out.
How many feet is it from one side of your sofa to the other?
Draw around an adults foot then cut it out. Is it more or less feet across?
4. Listening and Remembering Sounds.
Set up a model farmyard. Describe one of the animals but do not tell the children its name. Say, for example, this animal has horns, four legs and a tail. Ask them to say which animal it is. Ask them to make the noise the animal might make. When they are familiar with the game, let your child take the part of the adult and describe the animal for the others to name. This activity can also be completed with other sets of objects, such as zoo animals, toy sets based on transport (e.g. aeroplane, car, train, bus, boat) and musical instruments. It can be made more challenging by introducing sets of random objects to describe and name.
5. While out for a walk what is the weather like? Can you tell the adult what you need to wear for the weather?
6. Watch the story of a very hungry caterpillar
What fruits do you like? What did the caterpillar eat on Wednesday?
Can you answer the questions in full sentences?