WOW! Some absolutely super work this week again and a whole half term over! We are so proud of how you have dealt with all the changes and uncertainty and continued with your learning. For some of you, it has been a long time since we were last in school together but you have all showed great maturity and taken responsibility for your learning.  WELL DONE!

Please find your name below to download your certificate.

Have a super half term, enjoy the sunshine and a bit of a rest. 

Alex Alice Bella Ben Brooke Cameron Damian Finlay Franek George Hanna Hargun Hollie Kiran Maisie Max Mia Michael Owen Parina Regina Rihanna Talal Timur

3 thoughts on “WELL DONE YEAR 4

  • 22nd May 2020 at 2:26 pm

    Thank you year four staff,
    For all your support.

    Many thanks.

    • 22nd May 2020 at 3:43 pm

      Our pleasure Hargun. Thank you for working so incredibly hard.

  • 22nd May 2020 at 10:10 pm

    Thank u keep working hard everyone and thank u for saving us u are amazing the NHS has been saving us thank u and thank you for my citificat well done to u all staff keep it up


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