Reception Home Learning – Friday 22nd May

Hello everyone

It is the last day of term before we take a well deserved week off!  It is incredible how we have all adapted to our new situation – the teachers have been in school part time and spend the rest of their time trying to support parents to teach interesting, relevant and important skills and activities.  After half term we will see some of you at school.  Mrs Tucker’s Class will in on Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesdays and Mrs O’Hagan’s alternate Wednesdays,  Thursdays and Fridays.  For the children staying at home we will continue to post work on here to do at home but it may not be as detailed as the weeks to date as we will obviously be in school!

I am so impressed with the art work you have done this week.  Some of you took part in the World Record attempt for the biggest ever art lesson. Here are Zanti and Chole’s pictures:

So many of you have been inspired by yesterday’s artist – Kandinsky – just look at these beautiful pictures from Tatvam, Elenora, Chloe, Laura, Leo, Robert and Zanti.  I hope they are all going to put framed and put up on a wall.

Expressive Art and Design

The artist’s work we will look at today is Pablo Picasso – a Spanish Artist who is very famous for painting faces with their features all muddled up.  Like this –

Here’s a little clip about him.  At the end he suggest that you could try and paint a face in the way that he does, or, cut some pictures up from magazines and make a new face out of lots of different faces.


Phonics – Everybody

On a Friday we normally try to sight read and learn all the irregular high frequency words – that is, they can not be sounded out and you just have to sight read and remember them.  There are seven rockets and it is our aim that all the children will be able to read them all and, ideally, write them.  Click the link below to access the rockets – hopefully you will know where they are up to and maybe over half term try to help them learn more.  We tend to read out the words and then ask the children to write – if they can not remember we write it out and then they copy.

Rocket tricky wordslings


Today’s game is about telling he time.  In Reception we normally teach the children the o’clock and half past times.  If you have a clock you can use to set different times that would be ideal…but if not you could draw some clocks on paper and your child can set them to a time.

We hope that you all have a lovely half term break and look forward to seeing some of you at school on the 1st and the rest of on here.

The Reception Team

One thought on “Reception Home Learning – Friday 22nd May

  • 22nd May 2020 at 1:58 pm

    Molly has done a lovely picture today for the art lesson. We have also done some phonics, and she has been writing and saying the words on the rocket.


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