Reception Home Learning Thursday 14th May

Welcome to Thursday’s blog! I hope you are enjoying finding out about bees? I am. We know why bees are important now, they help plants to make new seeds. They aren’t only important for flowers, they also pollinate fruit and vegetables like apples and broccoli (my favourite vegetable). We really need bees in our world.

Today can you draw a picture of a bee and label it with these things: wings, legs, pollen sacks (these go on the back legs – think carefully how many legs do bees have?), eyes, antenna (the things that look like little black sticks coming out the bee’s head – they use these for smelling)? The children should have a go at sounding the words out themselves.


Remind the children of the ‘ck’ sound – it is 2 letters one sound, just like ll, ss, ff and zz.
Write the words and underline the sound ck – mack, crack, lack. Write each word 3 times, thinking carefully about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: Sid is back he has got the sack.

Read: Dad, can you do this? This book has the ‘ay’ sound in as in ‘play‘ and the ‘ch’ sound as in ‘catch‘ – they will need help with these but should be able to attempt the rest of the book.


Write the words and underline the different “ai” “ay” sounds – main, vain, chain, cray, May, stay. Write each word carefully, thinking about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: The bee plays with the bugs then lands on a snail.

Read: Spots! The children may need help with some words.


Write the words and underline the different “oa” and “ow” sounds as in boat and row sounds –  goats, bloat, blow, hollow, shallow. Write each word carefully, thinking about the letters as you write – where do they start – are they tall or small? Are they a tail letter?

Dictate: Bees are insects. They have yellow and black hair on the body. They sleep at night and collect pollen in the day.

The children can use their phonetic knowledge to spell words that they do not know.

Read: The Right Home This book also has the words home and storm in – and the ‘er’ sound as in bigger and ladder.


A – you can use practical things to help you, you could use your number track too.

One bee has 6 legs. There are 2 bees on my sunflower, how many legs are there altogether?

One bee has collected 13 sacks of pollen, another bee collected 6 sacks, how many sacks altogether?

One bee collected 15 sacks of pollen, she gives 6 sacks to the queen bee. How many are left?


Continue with yesterdays counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s.

Physical Development

If you fancy some yoga today – I found a bee themed session! Enjoy 😊


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