Thursday 14th May 2020 – Reading Comprehension Task

Hello Year 4, Hope you are well and great to see more children on out blog and sending emails of their work this week – keep it up!

Our reading comprehension today is about David Walliams. Read the text carefull and answer questions in full sentences, where necessary.

Here are your questions below:

  1. Write down two hobbies David had at school.
  2. Why did David change his surname?
  3. Find and copy one word that shows that David do not become famous straight away.
  4. What does the word vocation mean? Use glossary but write in your own words.
  5. Summarise David’s main achievements in life so far.
  6. What do you think David realised he wanted to do with his life at the age of 11?
  7. Explain why you think David wrote a book about a boy wearing dresses.
  8. What other word could you use instead of saying ‘instantly?’

The Year 4 Team

25 thoughts on “Thursday 14th May 2020 – Reading Comprehension Task

  • 14th May 2020 at 9:25 am

    1. David Walliams liked dressing up and acting.
    2. David changed his name because it was already acted.
    3. vocation means employment or job
    4. He desided to write books for little children and big children.
    5. he may of wonted to be a actrist movies and plays.
    6. David may of wrote the book about a boy in a dress because he liked to dress up and were dresses.
    7. you could use the at that very moment.

  • 14th May 2020 at 9:27 am
    Permalink play and swimming
    2.he changed his name because there was an actor called williams
    3. he was in a household so he had a household name so household is the one word
    4.vocation means a strong feeling of a career that david walliams has
    5.he got on the English channel and he finished school and he knows ho to swim
    6.he thought to himself im going to step up my life and im going to go on the English channel
    7.he wrote a book about a boy wearing dresses because he liked to wear dresses could use right away sir

  • 14th May 2020 at 9:33 am

    1) The two hobbies he had were swimming and dressing up.
    2) He changed because there already was a David in his school.
    3) Finally.
    4) Vocation is a form of employment or job.
    5) David got an OBE, written twelve chapter books, swam the English channel and he has written six picture books.
    6) Waliams has realised he wanted to be a comedian.
    7) He has written one because he wanted to tell people it is good to be different.
    8) Immediately.

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:14 am

      Great responses Franek.

  • 14th May 2020 at 9:58 am

    1. David Walliam’s 2 hobbies in childhood were swimming and acting.
    2. David changed his name because it was another actor with the same name.
    3. The word was Finally
    4. Vocation means a form of employment or job
    5. David raised impressive sums for charity, he is a comedian, actor, judge on a television show, writer and he also swam the English Channell and was awarded an OBE by the Queen.
    6. David performed in a school play wearing a dress and made everyone laugh and realised what he wanted to do with his life.
    7. David from a young age was enjoying dressing up and and thought it was a good idea for the book.
    8. Urgently, immediately

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:13 am

      Great response to the text Alex and thank you for writing in full sentences. We love to see your work.

  • 14th May 2020 at 10:15 am

    1.acting and swimming.
    2.because of school.
    3.he was in a household so he had a household name in the one word. means employed and also job.
    5.david Williams got OBE got 12 chapters books and swam English Channel.
    6. david finally got his big break collaborating a big show with his friend.
    7.he only wanted to write one because he wanted to show people it’s good to be different can use it write away

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:12 am

      Thank you Michael for great response to the text. Are you writing in full sentences?

  • 14th May 2020 at 10:19 am

    1. Write down two hobbies David had at school.
    Dressing up, and being an actor.

    2. Why did David change his surname?
    Because there was already an actor with the same surname.

    3. Find and copy one word that shows that David do not become famous straight away.

    4. What does the word vocation mean? Use glossary but write in your own words.
    An impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career.

    5. Summarise David’s main achievements in life so far.
    David had a successful television career.
    David had written 12-chapter books for children and six picture books for younger readers.

    6. What do you think David realised he wanted to do with his life at the age of 11?
    After performing in the school he realised what he wanted to achieve in his life.

    7. Explain why you think David wrote a book about a boy wearing dresses
    Because he wanted to write a book about it is okay to be different.

    8. What other word could you use instead of saying ‘instantly?’
    Madly, crazily, keep going and unstoppable.

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:11 am

      Great responses Hargun, make sure all sentences are written in full. Thank you.

  • 14th May 2020 at 10:24 am

    1. David Walliams likes dressing up and swimming
    2. He changed his surname because it was already at actor
    3. One word that David Walliams did not become famous straight away is finally
    4. Vocation means employment job
    5. David Walliams achieved writing books, plays. He was a judge on X factor.
    6. At age 11, David Walliams started writing books
    7. He wrote a book about boys in dresses because he likes dresses.
    8. A blink of an eye is another word for instantly.

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:11 am

      Great understanding Maisie, please remember your punctuation at the end of your sentences.

  • 14th May 2020 at 10:25 am

    1.The two hobby’s are dressing up and and swimming
    2.He changed his name because another actors name was David
    3.A word that shows he didn’t get Family’s strait away was finally
    4. Vocation means job
    5.He has achieved making books making plates and on ex factor
    6. At age 11 he started writing books
    7. He write a bout dresses because he likes dresses 👗
    8. In a blink of an eye another word is instantly

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:10 am

      Great Chloe, please remember your punctuation at the end of your sentences.

  • 14th May 2020 at 10:54 am

    1)David liked swimming and acting.
    2) David changed his surname, because there was already an actor with surname Williams.
    3) He ’finally got his “big break”’.
    4) Glossary is a list of words about specific subject write in an alphabetical order.
    • He had comedy sketch show.
    • He had successful television career.
    • He wrote 12 books for children and six picture books for young readers.
    • He raised a lot of many for charity.
    • He swam the English Channel and the length of the river Thames.
    • He was awarded an OBE.
    6) He realised he wanted to become a comedian.
    7) He wanted to write a book to show it is ok to be different.
    8) ‘Instantly’ means straight away.

    • 14th May 2020 at 11:09 am

      Great responses to the text Damian and well done for writing in full sentences.

  • 14th May 2020 at 11:09 am

    1)Write down two hobbies David had at school?
    Swimming and Acting
    2)Why did David change his surname?
    there was a actor with the same name already
    3)Find and copy one word that shows that David do not become famous straight away?
    Finally is the word as he had to work to be famous
    4)What does the word vocation mean?
    The Type of job someone has
    5)Summarise David’s main achievements in life so far?
    Writing 12 Books,Swimming The English Chanel and Become a OBE
    6)What do you think David realised he wanted to do with his life at the age of 11?
    He Wanted to become a performer
    7)Explain why you think David wrote a book about a boy wearing dresses?
    Because he dressed up in girls clothes when he was young
    8)What other word could you use instead of saying ‘instantly?’ ?
    Suddenly and Quickly

  • 14th May 2020 at 12:42 pm

    1: He liked dressing up and swimming
    2: It’s because there was already someone called that.
    3: University.
    4: Job.
    5: University, Little Britain/TV, Children’s books, charity work.
    6: Acting.
    7: When he was a boy he wore dresses.
    8: Quickly.

  • 14th May 2020 at 12:54 pm

    1 – Write down two hobbies David had at school.
    His hobbies were dressing up and swimming

    2 – Why did David change his surname?
    He changed his name because there sas an actor called David Williams

    3 – Find and copy one word that shows that David do not become famous straight away.
    The word is finally as it takes a while to become famous

    4 – What does the word vocation mean? Use glossary but write in your own words.
    Vocation means a certain kind of employment or job

    5 – Summarise David’s main achievements in life so far.
    He swam 140 miles and sold half a million copies of the boy in the dress.

    6 – What do you think David realised he wanted to do with his life at the age of 11?
    He realised that he liked acting

    7 – Explain why you think David wrote a book about a boy wearing dresses.
    He likes wearing dresses when he was younger

    8 – What other word could you use instead of saying ‘instantly?’
    The other words for instantly are immediately, Suddenly and Quickly

  • 14th May 2020 at 1:52 pm

    1. He liked dressing up in dresses and acting.🎭
    2. David Walliams changed his surname because a actor already used the surname Walliams.
    3. Finally.
    4. A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
    5. He swam the English channel.
    6. David realized he liked acting.
    7. He made that book because he liked putting on dresses for no reason👗
    8. quickly.🏃‍♀️

    • 14th May 2020 at 2:59 pm

      Thank you for responding in full sentences.

  • 14th May 2020 at 3:26 pm

    1. In David’s childhood he liked to dress up and liked acting.

    2. David changed his surname from Williams to Walliams because they where already an actor with that name.

    3. I think the one word that means David did not become famous straight away is ‘finally’.

    4. I think the word vocation means a type of job.

    5. He is a comedian, has a tv career, been awarded an OBE by the queen and written lots of books.

    6. At the age of 11 he realised he wanted to be a comedian.

    7. He wrote the book because he liked wearing dresses and wanted people to know its ok to be different.

    8. Another word for instantly is straight away.

    • 14th May 2020 at 8:13 pm

      Brilliant responses Hollie Louise

  • 14th May 2020 at 6:06 pm

    1.David walliams liked dressing up and acting.
    2.David changed his name because it was all ready acted.
    3.Vocation means employment or job.
    4.He decided to write books for kids.
    5.He may of wonted to be a actirest movies and plays.
    6.David may of wrote the books about a boy in a dress because he liked to dress up and were dresses.

    • 14th May 2020 at 8:12 pm

      Hello Max, great to see you on here. Hope you are ok. Great responses.


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