Wednesday 13th May 2020 – Home Learning Tasks.
Good morning Year 2!
We hope you are all well and still smiling. If you’re finding it a little tricky doing your home learning keep going, we believe in you and we believe you can do anything you want to.
Here are your home learning tasks for today. Remember you can comment on this blog post or email your questions or work to us at
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Miss Battams and MIss Duncan.
English Reading
We will be carrying on with our text for this week. Below is another shortened part of the story we would like you to read. Once you have read the text we would like you to answer the comprehension questions about the text. In Year 2, the expectation is that these questions are answered in full sentences and not just one word answers.
mad tea party chapter Click this link to open the text.
- Where were the characters sitting at the table?
- What do you infer Alice first thought about the characters and why did she think this?
- What does the word ‘quarelled’ mean?
- What did the Dormouse start to do in his sleep?
- How does Alice feel when she leaves the tea party and how do you know she feels like this?
English Writing.
Can you write a diary entry for what has happened to Alice so far in the story? Remember you need to write this in the first person, pretending that you are Alice and you have had the adventure.
- You need to include an opening sentnece to hook your reader in, for example: Dear Diary, what a strange and unusual day this has been so far! I’m going to tell you alll about it.
- You need to explain what has happened and who you have met on your adventure. You should include adjectives to describe what you saw, heard, did and what the characters were like that you met. For example: When I was sat down by the river, out of the corner of my eye I spotted a large, curious white rabbit. He ran into a dark, narrow rabbit hole and I followed him. I tumbled down feeling afraid I would never reach the bottom.
- You should end your diary entry with a question that leaves your reader with a cliff hanger ending (We did this in class with the dun, dun, duns!) For example: Will I ever find my way back to the river bank?
You should try to keep your handwriting neat, use finger spaces and punctuation and you should use your phonics sounds for spellings. Try to keep it exciting so that yoour reader wants to fnd out more about what happened next!
This week we are continuing with a recap of addition looking at some of the different strategies we have used in class to teach this operation. You should solve the calculations by recording your working out. Remember, some questions you get extra points for showing how you solved the problem so this is a skill we should practice even if we already know the answer.
For these questions you need to draw the resources you need. Use the photographs below to see how you should record your working out today. You will also need to use your number bonds to 10 skills to help you today.
Today you need to look at joining your ones together first before joinging your tens together. It should be written like this:
Have a go at these calculations using the photograph to show you how to record your working out.
14 + 22 =
36 + 43 =
21 + 55 =
82 + 7 =
3 + 61 =
These next ones are a little trickier because the ones will make more than ten so you will have to make a ten loop. The photographs beow will help you. We have done this in class already. Have a go but don’t worry if you find it too difficult.
- You need to look at the amount of ones in the first number of the calculation. You need to turn this into ten. Draw a ten loop in a different colour to help you looping around the ones in the first number.
2) How many do you need to take from the number on the other side of the calculation to make ten in the loop? You write this number in the ten loop. Write down how many are left under the second number when you take these away as you will need this number later.
3) You now rewrite your sum by adding your tens from each side together and then bringing down the left over ones to complete the calculation. You then just need to add on your ten from your ten loop.
Have a go at these calculations. Believe in yourself!
19 + 13 =
18 + 26 =
45 + 7 =
It is important that we practice spelling phonetic sounds in all of the different ways they can be written. It helps us to read and write words that they are in several times so you should follow all the steps to help you practice.
We are going to focus on the sound ‘s’ pronounced ‘s’ as in sit.
There are 5 different spellings of this sound. These have all been taught to your child in school already. This sound can be spelt as:
s as in sit
ss as in miss
c as in circle
st as in listen
se as in goose
Can you read these words with the sound ‘s’?
starter, hissing, circus, glisten, loose
Can you write the words below thinking about which spelling of the sound they have? Ask an adult to read the word for you to so you can try to spell it. Remember there is one word for each spelling of the sound so you can’t use the same spelling more than once.
sister, missed, circle, listening, moose
Can you sort these words into the correct boxes? Look carefully at the spellings of the sound in each word. You might want to draw the table to help you.
Common Exception Word Spellings.
This week we will be taking another focussed look at these spellings as it is very important we can all read and spell these. Today the words have been spelt incorrectly. These are sometimes how we see them spelt in your books! Can you correct the spellings. You have the list of works in the front of your reading record book that you can use to help you.
enee harf
beecus wyuld
cowuld brayk
parst barth
iy menee
munee fiyund
Something a little different for Science today! We are going to go on another scavenger hunt! How many of these things can you find? Record what you find or take pictures to share with us. Have fun!
Story Time.
Something a bit different for story time today! Can you tell your own story to somebody using the pictures below? If you would like to record it and email it to us you are welcome to.
1.In corner table.
4.Singing can sleep.
5.No caming more because is stupidest tea-party.
Well done Andreea. MIss Battams 🙂
ENGLISH – Reading
1. Where were the characters sitting at the table? The characters were sitting under a tree in front of the house. The march Hare and the Hatter was enjoying tea at the table, there was a door mouse that was fast asleep in between them.
2. What do you infer Alice first thought about the characters and why did she think this? I think Alice was shoked because the march hare could talk along with the other animals.
3. What does the word ‘quarelled’ mean? quoraled means argued.
4. What did the Dormouse start to do in his sleep? The door mouse shook him self and started to sing ‘twinkle,twinkle,twinkle and twinkle.
5. How does Alice feel when she leaves the tea party and how do you know she feels like this? I think Alice was very mad because she said that it was the most stupidest tea party ever.
ENGLISH – Writing
Dear Diary,
Today, has been a very weird day, as there was a tea party and there was a Mad Hatter,March Hare and a Door Mouse. Surprisingly they could all talk. I wondered over and sat down with out permit ion and then the March Hare said have some juice. I replied there is no juice the March hare desided to start to laugh as there was no juice there. The door mouse was fast asleep then after a while in his sleep he sang twinkle,twinkle,twinkle and twinkle.
I wonder what will happen next ?
14 + 22 = 36
36 + 43 = 79
21 + 55 = 76
82 + 7 = 89
3 + 61 = 64
19 + 13 = 32
18 + 26 = 44
45 + 7 = 52
liStened, looSening, chooSe, gliStening, Seaside, miSSing, kiSSes, reCycling, Choose, Ceiling, liSTened, gliSTening, looSEning, chooSE, SEaside
Some great work again Zion, Well done. Miss Battams 🙂
Great work Izabela. Miss Battams 🙂
Scavenger Hunt
1. Plastic ring
2. Sunflower
3. Basket Ball and Matthew can be VERY loud!!!
4. Ice
5. Fridge and can of coke
6. Water
7. Green
8. Toy
9 coat
10 stretchy toy
11 tissue
12 teddy bear
13 flowers mummy and spray
14 headphones
15 Ant
16 sponge
17 sugar and ice cube
Looks like you found lots of things Matthew, Well done! Miss Battams 🙂
I emailed over Elliot’s maths today. Hope you got it as year 5 aren’t receiving our emails properly.
He did some super spellings too. A very enthusiastic learner today.
Great to hear you were enthusiastic to learn Elliot! Well done! MIss Battams 🙂