Friday 8th May – Year 6 – VE day celebrations

Today is going to be a celebration of VE day and below you will find some information to learn about it and some activities that you could do today to celebrate this day.

Watch this video to learn about the end of World War 2 and the start of VE day celebrations

Now read the information on this PowerPoint.

VE day 1

Activities that you could do today:

– Make and have a picnic in your garden. VE day celebrations usually take place as big street parties. Even though we can’t do that this year, we can still have our own garden parties with our families.

– Make VE day decorations to hang around your house or in your garden. You can use these website ( as a guide or make your own.

– You could bake some traditional VE day celebration food including:

– Make some mocktails to have at your celebration.

– Have a craft day. Here are some ideas:


I would love to see some pictures of the things that you have done today so please send them to me if you can.

Whether you choose to do these activities or something else, have a good day and enjoy a very different VE day. There will never be one like this again!

Extra task

Set yourself a kindness mission.Give your time to help others.

Some ideas:

  • Help out a neighbour i.e. sweep the path outside their house, drop them off something to cheer them up (especially if they are self-isolating)
  • Bake something and leave it outside someone’s door
  • Draw/paint a rainbow and put it in your window
  • Write a thank you letter and leave it out for the people who deliver your post or empty your bins
  • Help a younger sibling with some work they are finding difficult
  • Help your parents get some jobs done around the house.
  • Make dinner for your family

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