Year 3 – Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good morning everyone!

We hope you’re ready for another day of home learning tasks.

Well done everyone who has responded to any of the tasks so far.

Remember we are giving out virtual certificates on Thursday to those people who stand out!

If you are having a go at the tasks on paper or in books then do let us know what you’ve completed by commenting at the bottom of the page or emails us at

Here are today’s tasks:



Have a look at the picture below.
Think about what you can see, hear, smell and feel.
Once you’ve thought about this, start thinking of 2 adjectives for these things.
Remember, these are called expanded noun phrases and need a very important piece of punctuation in between the adjectives.
Now put these expanded noun phrases into a paragraph to create a description.



Today’s video:

Today’s worksheet:

Tuesday Maths Worksheet


Maths Challenge:



Read and click through the interactive pictures to learn about how the Anglo-Saxon’s ruled. Once you’ve done that, in your own words, summarise how they ruled in 6 sentences.



Listen to the song below – you might have heard this one in the charts this week – and answer these questions as you listen.

  1. What instruments can you hear?
  2. What two words would you use to describe the song?
  3. What is the tempo (speed) like?
  4. What is the genre of this piece?
  5. Do you like this piece? Why? Why not?

Finished? Have a go at these tasks too

Daily Riddle:

This week we are going to be posting a riddle a day. The answers will be revealed the next day so you need to check each day to see if you got it right. Involve everybody you can and see who is correct!

Yesterday’s answer: Wrong is always spelt ‘wrong’ in the dictionary.

Here is today’s riddle:

What tyre doesn’t move when a car turns right?


Spot the Difference:

Have a go at this spot the difference. We will post the answers tomorrow, just like we do with the riddle. There’s 12 differences today.

Yesterday’s answers:

Here’s today’s puzzle:

Story Time:

Want to do some reading but have read all of your books at home?

No problem! Listening to a story is just as good as reading one.


19 thoughts on “Year 3 – Tuesday 5th May 2020

  • 5th May 2020 at 10:46 am

    Maths Challenge
    Chocolate was the most popular ice cream
    Mint Choc Chip was the least popular
    8 more Vanilla ice creams were eaten than strawberry.

    1. I can hear guitar, drums, piano, xylaphone, tambourine, guitar, drums and triangle
    2. I would describe this song as catchy and lively.
    3. The tempo of this song is medium.
    4. The genre of this song is pop.
    5. I like this piece because it is cheerful, happy and I can sing along.

    • 5th May 2020 at 1:19 pm

      I’m surprised about mint choc chip as that is my favourite ice cream flavour. Mrs B🍦

  • 5th May 2020 at 11:17 am

    One day, there was a caravan . Out of no of where the caravan was very dusty. Then I herd a noise .I herd water birthday drifting through the muddy, fascinating river .A Couple of minutes later I started to get goosebumps I thought it was haunted and it was👻☠️💀

  • 5th May 2020 at 12:00 pm

    Anglo-Saxons invaded many different tribes
    Each tribe took over many different parts of Britain
    Each king ruled a kingdom
    The strongest king would it be bretwalda
    The bretwalda would be ruler of all Britain
    A strong successful leader is cyning

    • 5th May 2020 at 1:24 pm

      Having different rulers over different kingdoms caused lots of problems. It gave people like the Vikings the opportunity to take over weaker kingdoms and use the kings as puppets. There were lots of skirmishes and fighting. Being a king during those times was quite dangerous and you had to be careful who you trusted. The Church was heavily involved in telling the king what to do. I love history. Mrs B

    • 5th May 2020 at 8:07 pm

      Daily riddle

      Why tryre doesn’t move when a car turn right?
      The tyre doesn’t move because of the cearth

  • 5th May 2020 at 12:19 pm

    I can observe an orange, lost caravan I can also observe mountains in the background I can feel the dust of the black, rusty car zooming ahead of me.

    Maths Challenge:
    a) Chocolate Icecream
    b) Chocolate Mint Icecream
    c) 2


    b) 3
    c) 3

    b) 8

    1) I can hear Drums, a Guitar, and a Piano
    2) Old and Fast
    3) Medium
    4) Party
    5) I dislike this piece because it’s too old to me

    • 5th May 2020 at 5:36 pm

      Maths Challenge:
      1) The most popular was chocolate.
      2) The least popular was mint choc chip.
      3) 8 more were eaten than strawberry.

      Offa was the king of Merica.
      Offa made the first coins called Offa pennies they were made of silver. Anglo Saxon rules Northumbria,Merica, East Anglia,Wessex and the Kent. Offa ruled Merica since AD757 till 796.In time Bretwalda was the strongest so he was meant to be king.He had enemy’s they weren’t ordinary they were strong but Offa managed to handle them.

      This world is the total opposite of the world we live in. Here insects are massive and humans are small. In the car was a caterpillar driving and the humans made a town in the city of large insects butterflies were big as aeroplanes. In the caravans the robbers lived they were grasshoppers.

      People had small submarines that were lender by the large insect army and all equipment they needed to protect them by other
      countries.Every country has some people and large insects and a army for protection.

  • 5th May 2020 at 12:21 pm

    Maths challenge
    4 ice-cream each

    1.The are 4 vanilla 1 ice-cream equal 4 so the answer is 16.

    2.the are 2 strawberry and 4+4=8 so the answer is 8.

    3.the are 5 chocolate and 4+4+4+4+4=20

    4.the are 1 mint choc chip so 4

    Which flavour is most popular?
    Strawberry because there are 5 strawberry.
    Which flavour is the least popular?
    Mint choc chip because the are 1

    How many vanilla ice cream where the more than strawberry?
    The are 2 more vanilla than strawberry.

    • 5th May 2020 at 9:05 pm

      Spot the difference:

      5. Hourse

  • 5th May 2020 at 12:46 pm

    Maths challenge:
    The most popular flavour was chocolate.
    The least popular flavour was mint choc chip.
    8 more vanilla ice-creams were eaten than strawberry.

    • 5th May 2020 at 7:54 pm


      1.What instruments can you hear?
      Guitar, piano

      2.what 2 word that you could describe the song?
      Mamma mia

      3.what tempo speed like?
      Rock and role

      4.what is the genre of piece?
      3 min 31 sec

      5.Do you like the piece why why not?
      It good because of I like the instrument noise

  • 5th May 2020 at 2:43 pm

    1) Electric guitar, piano, synte zator- drum, cymbals.
    2) Nice, beautiful.
    3) The tempo is quick.
    4) Dance/ is the genre of this song.
    5) I like it because it has nice rythm.

  • 5th May 2020 at 2:50 pm


    ‘ Vegetable World ‘

    Once upon a time, there was a vegetable world with only vegetables and the only one loaf of bread.
    If somebody would live in the Vegetable World, they would only smell onions. Nobody would breath in clean air.

    In the vegetable world somebody would only see a caravan that would be made of a loaf of bread and clouds would be made from fluffy mashed potatoes. Cars would be made from pieces of pumpkin and a river would have oil instead of water.

    I can see an old, rusty car and a big cloud of dusty behind the car. I think a sandstorm is coming because the sky is cloudy, dark grey and orange in colour.


    Q1) What flavour was the most popular?
    A: Chocolate flavour was the most popular : 5 x 4 =20

    Q2) Which flavour was the least popular?
    A: Mint choc chip was the least popular flavour : 1 x 4 = 4

    Q3) How many more vanilla ice-creams were eaten than strawberry?
    A: 8 more vanilla ice-creams were eaten than strawberry flavour ice-creams.

  • 5th May 2020 at 3:07 pm


    1) What instruments can you hear?
    I can hear a piano, a guitar, drums, cymbals and xylophone.

    2) What two words would you use to describe the song?
    Two words I would use to describe this song are: Exciting and fun.

    3) What is the tempo (speed) like?
    The tempo of this song is: quick and upbeat.

    4) What is the genre of this piece?
    The genre of this piece is : dance music.

    5) Do you like this piece? Why? Why not?
    I like this song because when the piano plays I like how it sounds. I also liked the sound of the drums and cymbals playing together.The song made me feel happy and cheerful.

  • 5th May 2020 at 3:23 pm


    The photo makes me feel a bit scared and feel like we might see some crazy incests.I can see some trees and some brocken cars and maybe the picture is in a desart.I can see some rock and in thee back of the car there are more rocks .

  • 5th May 2020 at 8:21 pm

    most popular flavour is chocolate
    The least is flavour mint choc chip
    8 vanilla ice cream were eaten than strawberry

  • 5th May 2020 at 8:22 pm

    Daily riddle

    1.Why tryre doesn’t move when a car turn right?
    The tyre doesn’t move because of the cearth

  • 5th May 2020 at 9:07 pm

    Spot the difference:

    5. Hourse


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