Y4 Maths task- Tuesday 5th May
Good morning everyone.
Same style lesson as yesterday, we are going to run these throughout the week and see how you get on. Watch the video and comment the answers to the questions at the end of the video. I have copied the questions into here so it is easier for you to complete but make sure you are watching the video first or you wont get the most out of your learning time.
- Think of a walk you love to do. What are the parts of this journey?
- If you have an atlas or go on google earth, think about the different parts that make a whole.
- If your arm is the part, what is the whole? And what are the other parts of the whole?
- Think of a whole, challenge me to work out the parts of the whole.
Well done for all of your hard work!
1) Think of a walk you love to do. What are the parts of this journey?
Leave my house,Walk Along the path,Cross Over The Road,Go through the woods,Feed the Ducks
2) If you have an atlas or go on google earth, think about the different parts that make a whole? Europe Is apart, Africa is apart,Asia is apart, America is apart,Antarctica is apart
3) If your arm is the part, what is the whole? Your Body is the Whole -And what are the other parts of the whole? Ears,Fingers,Legs,Nose,Chest
4) Think of a whole, challenge me to work out the parts of the whole ? The Whole is my phone
1) Excersice tools, lake, football pitch, the park
2) The cities make larger cities, Larger cities make regions, Regions make a country, Countries make continents, Continents make all the land we have on the planet.
3) You are the whole, and the eye, leg, hip, neck, head, bones, muscles, feet and hands make the whole (you).
4) Your challenge is to fing the parts of a gaming set.
1. If the house is the whole, then my bedroom is part of the whole.
2. If my body is the whole then my eyes are part of the whole.
3. If the arm is the part of the whole, then the whole is the body.
The other parts of the whole are the head, the torso and the legs.
4. If the shop is the whole, then the __________ is part of the whole.
1.how I get to the lake is I come out my loge then state fall words then go left then straight aged then you will see a lake whith ducklings and swan eggs also the lake
2.big Ben is my part what is my whole
3.the whole is the body
1.how I get to the lake is I come out my loge then state fall words then go left then straight aged then you will see a lake whith ducklings and swan eggs also the lake
2.big Ben is my part what is my whole
3.the whole is the body
1. Walking in my local forest. Parrs of my journey include walking around my house, using pathway to get to the forest, going through a ramp, getting out of the forest on the north side, walking near the road next to my favourite tree, going down the road back home.
2. If the Earth is the whole, then Poland is part of the whole.
3. If the body is the whole, then the arms and legs are part of the whole.
4. 7×7=49, 7 would be a part of the whole.
Journey from my house to the shop-
Walk to the car, drive to the car parking; Play in the nearby park; walk to the shop.
If you have an atlas or go on google earth, think about the different parts that make a whole.
India is a whole, then Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan are different parts of the whole.
If your arm is the part, what is the whole? And what are the other parts of the whole?
Body is the whole; Legs, Head, Feet, Hands are part of the whole.
Think of a whole, challenge me to work out the parts of the whole.
If tree is a whole, then_____ are the parts of the whole.
1. School and mum’s house.
2. If the 5 oceans is the whole then the Atlantic ocean is part of the whole.
3. If my arm was the whole then my skin is part of the whole.
4. If my house is part of the whole then____ is part of the whole.
If my anonymous mask is a whole, then the nose is part of the whole.
If my living room is a whole, then the TV is part of the whole.
If Northampton is a whole, then Weston Favell is part of the whole.
If my toy is a whole then the hair is part of the whole.
If my room is the whole, then my bed is part of the whole.
If a computer is a whole, then the SD is part of the whole.