Monday 4th May – Year 5

Good morning Year 5. We hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready for a new week and lots of learning!

Here are your tasks for today:

English- Read the following text and answer the questions.

Jack woke with a start and, at once, a ruthless wave of pain gushed across his body. Blinking rapidly, he tried to get his eyes to clear since they were blurred with fatigue and a bitter stinging. He needed to see where he was; he knew he wasn’t where he should be. As his vision sharpened, Jack looked all around him. He remembered where he was. He was lost. He was alone. He was thirsty.

Normally, a bright, cloudless sky would make Jack feel excited and glad to be alive. Instead, he wanted to escape it. He was already baking hot and it was only dawn. There was little shade apart from amongst the thick, foreboding gathering of trees behind him. He didn’t want to venture into those again, even if it meant that he might find his friends.

The boy sat up on his pile of leaves. His entire body throbbed. His legs were peppered with large red bites and his muscles ached because he had slept on the ground. He looked across the stretch of sand that lay before him. The cool waves of the ocean lapped at the shore. To his left, he saw some gulls pecking at scraps of seaweed that sprawled across the sun-baked sand.

The sound of the waves with their gentle, repetitive hiss was calming. Behind him, the warbling and croaking that filled the trees made him anxious. Where were his friends now? Had they found refuge? Were they looking for him? Jack rubbed his sore, flaming bites and sighed, wondering what to do. He couldn’t just sit there, waiting to die.

Jack got to his feet, wincing and stepped towards the water. As he made his way across the sand, he caught a glimpse of something twinkling in the sunlight near where the gulls had been scavenging. With nothing to lose, Jack ambled over to it – glass! It was a shard of glass, perhaps from a bottle. Carefully, he picked it out of the sand like a piece of precious treasure.

At once, Jack began gathering branches, twigs, leaves – anything that would make tinder for what he wanted to be a roaring fire. With his fire he could cook and with any luck, his friends would see the smoke and find him.

With his glass in place and the pile of branches high, the fire soon began. It started as small, wispy smoke and soon became a billowing bonfire. Jack stood back, pleased with his creation. Little did he know that, behind him, from the depths of the trees, a raging figure leapt towards him.

  1. How can you tell that Jack woke suddenly?
  2. How do you think Jack feels in the first paragraph? How does the writer make you think this?
  3. There was little shade apart from amongst the thick, foreboding gathering of trees behind him.

Which word in the sentence above tells you that Jack found the trees threatening?

4.  His legs were peppered with large red bites and his muscles ached because he had slept on the ground.

What does the word ‘peppered’ tell you about the bites on Jack’s legs?

5.   What impression do you get of the ocean? Explain your answer using the text.

6.  To his left, he saw some gulls pecking at scraps of seaweed that sprawled across the sun-baked sand.

What does the phrase ‘sprawled across the sun-baked sand’ suggest about the seaweed?



A pupil has been given a set of 5 questions to answer. They tried their best but think they have got some answers wrong. Go through the work and check the answers. Help the pupil to understand their errors by explaining where they have gone wrong or how to find the correct answer (there are prompts below the questions to help you).

ICT – Discuss the following question with your family



Investigate the artist Andy Warhol. What type of Art was he famous for? What is your favourite of his pieces of Art?

Recreate your own version of one of his pieces. You can use whatever media you would like. If you can, we would love to see a photo of  your work which can then go into your Home Learning pack.

Mrs Millard, Mrs Leeming and Mrs Munro XX

55 thoughts on “Monday 4th May – Year 5

  • 4th May 2020 at 9:51 am


    1. He was blinking rapidly.
    2. I think Jack was feeling shocked because he was being so rapid.
    3. Foreboding
    4. They were covered
    5. I think the waves were calm because it was early morning.
    6. I think sprawled means spread

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:09 pm

      Thank you Simar.
      1) Also – the fact that he woke with a start.
      2) Being so rapid? How does the writer make you think that he was feeling shocked?
      5) Does the text tell you that it was calm? Remember to use the text in your answers.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:11 am

    1. Incorrect.
    They forgot to add the carrying
    2. Correct
    This person remembered their carrying
    3. Incorrect
    They didn’t times the six by anything
    4. Incorrect
    It’s 1369 r3
    5. Incorrect
    This person was carrying tens into the hundreds column

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:17 pm

      Thank you Simar.

      1) Which carrying? One lot or more than that?
      3) This one is incorrect but was it for the reason that you stated? Isn’t 6 x 53 = 318?
      5) Did they go wrong in more than one place?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:13 am


    You should tell someone and if it’s very offensive you can report it.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:17 pm

      Thank you Simar.

      Who would you tell?

      Do you know how to report it?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:15 am

    good morning everyone this is for English
    1]why I think who woke up suddenly is because it said jack woke up with a start, and at once .
    2]I think he feels panicky because he was blinking rapidly and a really big pain gushed to his body.
    3]he was so scared and nervous because he`s stranded somewhere that is wet ,cold ,and he`s in pain .
    4]the words threatening I think forbidding the gathering behind the trees .
    5]peppered means his legs were bright red and spotty .
    6]I think it means really hot sand and the seaweed flowing everywhere .

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:27 pm

      Hi Evie,

      Have a look at question 3 – have you answered it? This just needs a one word answer.
      I’m not sure if you have mixed up your answers – I think you have answered Q3 as Q4??

      Did you mean foreboding or forbidding?
      4) Check the meaning of the word ‘peppered’.
      I think you’ve missed out Q5??
      6) Double check your answer to Q6.

      Mrs Millard XX
      P.S. Do your sentences begin with capital letters?

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:21 am

    Good Morning Mrs Millard,
    Here is my English for today.

    1. You can tell Jack woke suddenly because it says in the text ‘Jack woke with a start’.
    2. I think that he was hurt because it says ‘a ruthless wave of pain gushed through his body’. I think he is also scared because there are a lot of short sentences that build the tension.
    3. Foreboding is the word that tells us that he is threatened by the trees.
    4. I think peppered means the bites were stinging.
    5. The sea was calm because it says in the text that the waves were gentle.
    6. I think the phrase means that the seaweed has gone all dry and hard because of the hot sun.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:30 pm

      Hi Lydia,

      Thank you again for thinking of the wonderful idea for the video that you sent to us.

      Great answers – especially Q2. Very thorough!
      4) Check the meaning of the word ‘peppered’.
      6) Double check the meaning – what does ‘sprawled’ mean?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:43 am

    1] incorrect the proper answer is 47,448
    2] correct
    3] incorrect
    4] incorrect

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:33 pm

      Thank you Evie.

      1) You’re right. Did you explain the error?
      2) Have you answered the question at the bottom?
      3) Have you explained the error?
      4) Did you tell me the correct answer?
      5) Did you explain the error?

      Your answers are right Evie, but you haven’t answered the questions below.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:46 am

    1)First awnser is wrong because they didnt add the two at the bottom
    2) i worked out the 2nd awnser is correct
    3) this one is wrong because the thereve put the wrong number in i worked out a different awnser
    5)is also wrong 9 × 0 is not 13

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:37 pm

      Thank you Mason – it’s good to hear from you!

      1) I think I know what you mean but which 2?
      3) Where have they put the wrong number in? What answer did you get?
      4) Did you miss this one out?
      5) Well done!

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:51 am

    Andy warhole is famous for his coulerful pop favourite one is the one of Campbell tomoato soup

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:38 pm

      Thanks Mason,

      I like the soup can too!

      Did you recreate your own version?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:53 am

    I discussed it with my family and we said tell someone and don’t always listen to it or trust it because its dangerous with out permission so always tell someone
    goodbye see you tomorrow

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:39 pm

      Thanks Evie – sensible advice.

      Speak tomorrow!

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:56 am

    ENGLISH! (I wont stop writing ENGLISH! like this I don’t know why but I think its a bit more fun:) )
    1)Maybe because he was stressed from what ever he just faced.
    2)I think jack is worried about his friends because if he is alone on an island how is he going to survive .
    3)He probably was threatened bye the trees because he was worried what was lurking behind them .
    4) covering the whole body .
    5)I think of the ocean as a calm place but some times it wont be a calm place like 50/50 because when I was in Lithuania I went to the beach on a stormy day I saw the beginning of a tornado but it was very weak one . anyway lets go back to ENGLISH!
    6) It means that the seaweed was covering the burning hot sand he was siting on .

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:42 pm

      Hi Dan,

      Fun is good!!

      1) Have you answered the question?
      3) This should just be a one word answer.
      5) Good answer but did you use the text in your answer?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 10:58 am

    Jack woke up because of ruthless pain .
    Jack felt sad and thirsty.
    I dont know the awnser to peppered. Sorry.
    The waves calming.
    I think the seawees was chiling on the sand lieing down .

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:45 pm

      Thanks Mason.

      1) He did but does the text tell you that it was suddenly?
      2) How does the writer make you think that he is sad?
      4) Could you use the computer to check the meaning?
      6) Check what the word ‘sprawled’ means.

      Great effort.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:06 am

    1 lncorret
    2 cnorret
    3 lncorret
    4 lncorret
    5 lncorret

    1 jack woke suddenly because of pain
    2 scared
    3 behind
    4 getting hurt repeatedly
    5 it was calming
    6 it is dry

    • 4th May 2020 at 3:07 pm

      Hi Cyran – it’s great to hear from you!
      I hope you and your family are well.

      Great Maths answers – they were all correct. Did you answer the questions underneath each calculation where you were asked to explain the errors?

      English – 1) He also woke with a start.
      2) How does the writer make you think that he is scared?
      3) Check this answer.
      4) Peppered means that his legs were covered in bites.
      6) What does ‘sprawled’ mean?

      Great effort.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:16 am

    Good Morning Mrs Milliard,
    This is my English for today,

    1:How I can tell Jake woke up suddenly is ‘Jake woke up in a start ‘

    2:I think Jake is feeling panicked because he was doing everything raped.

    3:Forbording is a word that tells us that he is scared and nevus

    4: I think the word ‘peppered’ means that the tree is scatted around him.

    5:The sea was calm because it says that the waves was very gentle

    6: I think the phrase means that the sun had dried all the seaweed out.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:48 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Jake or Jack??

      2) Was he doing everything rapidly or just one thing?
      4) Good answer but the question was talking about the bites on his legs.

      6) What does the word ‘sprawled’ mean?

      Great effort.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:53 am


    • 4th May 2020 at 2:49 pm

      Thanks Aamirat.

      You are right with your answers but have you answered the question beneath each calculation?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:58 am


    1. Jack was blinking rapidly.
    2. He feels confused because he’s blinking rapidly.
    3. Foreboding.
    4. The bites covered his legs.
    5. The waves were calming because they were hissing and it was early morning.
    6. Sprawled I think means spread.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:50 pm

      Hi Dhanshri.

      1) He was – it also says that he woke with a start.
      2) Same answer as Q2.

      Well answered.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 12:00 pm

    1. Incorrect. They didn’t add the carried numbers
    2. Correct. The had to find how many 7’s went into each number,
    3. Incorrect. They missed a zero off of 1060.
    4. Incorrect. They haven’t carried correctly.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:53 pm

      Thanks Lydia,

      Well answered – you were correct with each answer. Something to think about though:

      1) Was there just one error in Q1 or more than one?
      4) Where did they go wrong with the carrying?
      5) Where was the error in Q5?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 12:04 pm

    I would tell an adult and get them to report it. On apps sometimes there is a report button.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:55 pm

      Good advice!

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 12:11 pm

    He blinked rapidly.
    I think he was shocked because he woke up with this pain.
    Either they were covered or they hurt.
    They waves could have been calm or not it just depends on what the weather is like.
    It is like it is hot and there is seaweed everywhere

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:57 pm

      Thanks Aamirat.

      1) Correct. He also woke with a start.
      4) Peppered means covered.
      5) Did you use the text in your answer?

      Well done.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 12:13 pm

    What you should do when you find those videos is you should have went to an adult that makes you feel comfortable because if it were on your mind and you did not tell anyone it could effect how you do things.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:58 pm

      Good advice.

      ‘Were on your mind’ or ‘was on your mind’ ?

      Mrs Millard Xx

  • 4th May 2020 at 12:56 pm


    1. Incorrect
    they forgot to add there caring twice.
    2. Correct
    because they forgot to put the zero first then do the calculations.
    the answer is 1369 r3
    5. Incorrect
    0 times 9=0+4=4 not 3.

    • 4th May 2020 at 3:02 pm

      Thanks Dhanshri,

      1) Your answer is correct – there or they’re??
      3) You’re right but where should there have been a zero and why?

      Well answered.

      Mrs Millard XX

      • 4th May 2020 at 9:17 pm

        They’re and you need to put a zero when you are multiplying the second number.

        • 5th May 2020 at 3:45 pm

          Well done for replying Dhanshri!

  • 4th May 2020 at 1:00 pm


    You should tell your parents and block and report that person

    • 4th May 2020 at 3:02 pm

      Good advice!

      Mrs Millard XX

      • 4th May 2020 at 9:17 pm

        They’re and you need to put a zero when you are multiplying the second number.

  • 4th May 2020 at 1:10 pm


    Andy Warhol

    .American artist
    He did modern art
    My favourite picture is Campbell’s black bean soup.

    • 4th May 2020 at 3:03 pm

      Thanks Dhanshri,

      He did modern art but do you know the actual name of it?

      I like the soup can too!

      Did you recreate your own version?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 3:57 pm

    1. He was blinking very fast and he got a huge wave of pain
    2. Jack feels in pain and if you read the 1st paragraph it says “a ruthless wave of pain gushed across his body.”
    3. The word foreboding sugguets that a feeling that something bad will happen.
    4. Peppered means in this sentence that Jack’s legs is taking large amounts of pain and burning.
    5. The expression he get’s that the ocean is his happy place or a place where he can stay there and be calm. Using these quotes “The sound of the waves with their gentle.”,”Jack got to his feet, wincing and stepped towards the water.”
    6. The sprawled across the sun-baked sand suggests that the seaweed is quiet far because of the word across, and the seeweed is on the sand because gulls can’t go that deep into the water and reach for the seaweed.

    • 5th May 2020 at 3:47 pm

      Hi Zain – it’s great to hear from you. I hope you and your family are all well.

      1) Well done – He also woke with a start.
      4) Peppered means that his legs were covered in bites.

      Well answered.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 4:07 pm


    4.Incorrect 1369.5

    • 5th May 2020 at 3:48 pm

      Well done!

  • 4th May 2020 at 4:56 pm

    1)Jack woke with a start and, at once, a ruthless wave of pain gushed across his body.
    2) He felt in pain, lost, alone and thirsty.
    3)Little shade.
    4)The word ‘peppered’ tell me about how quick he was bite.
    5)Because of the gently sound of waves, I think the ocean was very calm.
    6) The phrase ‘sprawled across the sun-baked sand’ suggest like the sand is very hot and the seaweed was dry.

    • 5th May 2020 at 3:50 pm

      Hi Alex,

      It’s great to hear from you. I hope you and your family are well.

      3) This should be a one word answer.
      4) Peppered means that his legs were covered in bites.
      6) Sprawled means that ii was spread all over the sand.

      Well answered.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 4th May 2020 at 5:17 pm

    1) Incorrect. The correct answer is 47.448
    3) Incorrect. The correct answer is 1.378
    4) Incorrect.
    5)Incorrect. The correct answer is 75.645

    • 5th May 2020 at 3:51 pm

      Well done Alex.

      1) Should there be a decimal point in the answer?
      3) Check your answer.
      5) Check the answer.

      Mrs Millard XX


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