Monday 27th April – Year 1
Happy Monday Morning Year 1,
We hope that you had a great weekend and were able to enjoy the glorious weather – making the most of our hour of daily exercise! We love reading and looking at what you have been up to at home, so thank you to those who have made contact and sent us pictures and updates of how you are getting on. We now plan to do a weekly post on Fridays to showcase all of your fantastic work from during the week. Keep amazing us Year 1 … we are so proud!
Before you get started, here’s an online safety question to discuss with your adult(s):
Now you’re ready … here’s your first set of activities for the week:
- Sounds-Write Phonics* Mrs Brookes has added some additional information for your adults to help with your Phonics at home! *
We would also like to pass on this useful resource from Letters and Sounds – providing you with daily Phonics lessons at home:
Please get in touch with us via email if you need any support in selecting appropriate lessons for your children.
- Sounds-Write Phonics* Mrs Brookes has added some additional information for your adults to help with your Phonics at home! *
- Reading/Writing
Reread the first few pages of our story again and then continue up to the final picture:
Look at this picture of the shoemaker and his wife:
They look like they are hiding from something … I wonder what and/or who they are hiding from?
Write a prediction using ‘because’ to explain your thinking.
- Maths
How many 2-D (flat) shapes can you draw? Do you know their names? What’s the same or different between them?
Can you make a picture of something using just shapes?
Here are some examples:
- Art
Northampton has a long history of making shoes and is well-known for this. Our football team’s nickname is even The Cobblers!
Here are some of the shoe factories in Northampton:
Choose a shoe factory and create a detailed line drawing of it – thinking about your use of detail, pattern, line and tone.
We hope that you have a great day,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )
Sounds-Write Phonics
even e+ven
Swede Swede
Steve Steve
delete de+lete
complete com+plete
athlete ath+lete
extreme ex+treme
these these
trapeze tra+peze
evening eve+ning
Pete pete
eve eve
theme theme
precede pre+cede
concrete con+crete
Sound swap
chon cron
chun gun
cud mud
cron chon
crach crash
cralch crouch
Pete complete his evening task.
2 Reading/Writing task
They are hiding from tiny elves because they don’t want the tiny elves to see them.
3. Submitted math task by email.
Picture challenge:
Triangle, 5 squares ,3 rectangles and 1 circle
5 triangles,1 rectangle and 2 circles
8 triangles and 1 circle
Morning Japgun,
Great work yesterday. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
Year 1 Team : )
Hello! Stefania really enjoyed today’s lesson. Yhank you very much.
Morning Stefania,
We are so pleased that you enjoyed the activities today. Thank you for sharing your work with us via email. Keep up the good work!
Year 1 Team : )