Thursday 23rd April 2020 – Reading Task
Good morning Year 4,
Yesterday was Earth Day so your reading text today is…. about Earth Day 2020!
Read the text below and answer questions in full sentences. Happy reading!
Earth Day 2020!
Earth Day is a global initiative that happens every year on April 22nd. Around
the world, people come together to celebrate the beauty and importance of
nature and to raise awareness of how important it is to look after our planet.
What Is the Aim Of Earth Day?
This year, on its 50th anniversary, Earth Day is all about Climate Action. This
means that people are thinking about different ways in which they can help
look after the planet and are meeting other people who want to do the same
thing. A big clean-up of towns and the countryside is being organised and many
people all around the world are volunteering to take part. It is hoped that this
will encourage others to try to protect our environment and make changes to
their lifestyle. Even just one small change can make a difference.
Our Plastic Problem
Every year in the UK, we throw away around 295 billion pieces of
plastic. Plastic doesn’t biodegrade over time and lots of it can’t be
recycled. That means that it will stay in the ground for hundreds,
even thousands, of years.
Plastics can also cause problems for humans and animals because
as they break down, tiny pieces called microplastics can end up in
some food and water, which is then ingested. Scientists think that
this could lead to health problems, but it has not yet been widely
researched. By using less plastic in our houses and choosing plastic
that can be recycled, we reduce the amount we have to throw away.
To help make a difference to our plastic problem, try taking the same
plastic bag to the supermarket every time you go, using a reusable
water bottle for your drinks or recycling plastic food packages, like chocolate
bar wrappers and cereal boxes.
Green Fingers
Looking after the plants in our gardens is a constructive way to contribute
towards protecting our planet. Plants and trees are crucial to the wellbeing of the
planet for many different reasons. They help remove some of the warming gases,
such as carbon dioxide, out of the air and provide food for important pollinating insects, like bees. Pollinating insects help make sure that a variety of plants can
grow, providing enough food for humans to eat and making sure there is a safe home for a variety of species of wildlife. Try planting some bee-friendly plants and trees in your garden. You could even have a go at growing your own vegetables. You don’t need to have a garden to grow plants. Plant seeds in pots on your windowsill and watch them grow. Just don’t forget to water them.
Eat Less Meat
Many scientists believe that one way to help our planet is by eating more
food made from plants rather than animals. This is because animals take up
lots of space and need lots of food and water to keep them healthy. This is
leading to the deforestation of woodland which is having a devastating effect on
many species of plants and animals. Even cattle and sheep’s poo is bad for the
environment because it gives off a warming gas called methane. Just a small
change can make a big difference. See if you can have a meal without meat
once a week. You could look for a meat-free version of your favourite foods like
burgers, chilli and even sausages. Or, you could make a dish where plants are
the star. Try it and see!
Here are your questions for today:
- Where does Earth Day take place?
2. What event is being organised for Earth Day this year?
3. Find and copy the word that means the same as ‘breaks down naturally’.
4. Why is it a bad thing that plastic stays in the ground for many years?
5. Why do you think the writer has added ‘just don’t forget to water them!’ to the section
about growing your own fruit and vegetables?
6. In your own words, explain the importance of eating less meat.
7. ‘As you can see, there are lots of ways we can all take action and help the planet’
Thinking about the advice in the text, what do you think would be the most difficult action
to take? Explain your reasoning.
Enjoy your day Year 4.
1. It happens on the 22 April.
2. The event is about climate action.
3. break up.
4. It is bad that plastic is in the ground for many years as it will affect humans and animals.
5. The writer has added do not for get to water the plants as plants need sunshine and rain to grow.
6. We should stop eating meat as it is making a affect on the plants as the animals take up a lot of space.
7. I think to grow plant because you have to remember to water them every day and you could for get.
Great responses thank you Brooke
how are you
Hello RoariI, hope you are ok. Try some of the tasks on our blog
1. Earth day is celebrated in every recognised UN country (so all 195) on the 22nd of April.
2. Earth day is all about climate action.
3. Break down.
4. It is bad since microplastics end up in our food.
5. He had to remind us to water the plants we grow so they do not die.
6. We should not eat meat as we need to kill the worlds animals to have meat and we need to save the animals.
7. Undo what we have done to our planet
Great understanding Franek
1. Earth Day happens every year all around the world on 22nd April.
2. People come together to celebrate the beauty and importance of nature and to raise awareness of how important it is to look after our planet. Usually a big clean up is organised in towns and people do volunteer to take part. However this year due to self-isolation probably there is a lot happening online instead.
3. ‘biodegrade’
4. It takes a long time for plastic to break down, tiny pieces called microplastics can end up in some food and water, which can be digested by animals and humans. Scientists think that this could lead to health problems.
5. When you grow your own plants and vegetables, then you are responsible for them, as they cannot get water any other way, especially the plants you keep at home.
6. Animals take a lot of space and need to live somewhere, which leads to deforestation. Also their poo creates a gas called methane, which leads to a global warming.
7. The most difficult action to take to save our planet is to remove all the plastic, as it takes many years to disappear.
1. Where does Earth Day take place?
Around the globe.
2. What event is being organised for Earth Day this year?
This year, on its 50th anniversary, Earth Day is all about Climate Action.
3. Find and copy the word that means the same as ‘breaks down naturally’.
4. Why is it a bad thing that plastic stays in the ground for many years?
Because it breaks down into small pieces called microplastics.
5. Why do you think the writer has added ‘just don’t forget to water them!’ to the section
about growing your own fruit and vegetables?
Naturally plants provide a lot for insects so we want it nice habitat.
6. In your own words, explain the importance of eating less meat.
Meat are from animals so it can spread infections and other viruses. Also, meat is not good for the environment because it produces a lot of methane gas.
7. ‘As you can see, there are lots of ways we can all take action and help the planet’
Thinking about the advice in the text, what do you think would be the most difficult action to take? Explain your reasoning.
Plastic, because quite often you get a lot of plastic everywhere so it is very hard to control plastic for the environment.
1. Earth day takes place all around the world.
2. A big clean up in towns and countrysides is being organised this year.
3. biodegrade means break down naturally.
4. Plastics in the ground for years is bad because it can cause health issues to humans and animals.
5. I think the writer has added ‘just dont forget to water them!’ because plants need water to grow.
6. I think it is important to eat less meat because animals need space, food and water to live and sheep and cow poo is bad for the environment.
7. i think the more difficult action to take would be to eat less meat because growing your own plants and vegetables takes time and you have to keep them growing.
1. Earth day takes place all around the globe.
2. People clean the world’s plastic.
3. The word is biodegrade.
4. Plastic affects us and the enviroment.
5. The author used ” don’t forget to water them ” to tell you to keep your plants healthy so they can live a longer lifE.
6. Eating more meat will add up the gases which can affect the enviroment and make us unhealthy if we eat to much.
7. I think planting vegetables is the hardest way to save the planet as you have to water them, get the right timing and have to wait a long time.
Earth Day are place around the world.
The event is Climate Action and cleaning up.
Because is harms people and animals and it makes our planet more worse.
Fruit and veg will not grow and die. The water s needed for them.
The less meat we eat, the more animall will live.
Fling in the air it might not even work. No one has ever flew without a jetpack or anything and stood still, in the air.