Friday 3rd April – Year 1
Happy Friday Year 1,
We are so proud of you for all of your hard work over these past few weeks but please remember to have a rest and enjoy some silliness with a side of chocolate too!
Here are your last set of activities before you have a well-deserved break for Easter:
- Sounds-Write Phonics
All Phonics Groups:
/or/ <ure>
Review all previously learnt sounds.
Read the words: sure pure mature secure measure treasure
Write the words: pure mature secure measure
Sound Swap: prith plith pleth bleth blith slith stith stib slib sleb steb
Speed Read: How many words can the children read – that they have been reading and writing this week – in 1 minute? - Reading/Writing
Write a diary entry about your day …
How do you feel? What have you been up to? What are you looking forward to over the Easter Break?
You can type your diary entries into the comments or send them to us at ! - Maths
Re-open your ‘shop’ and choose three special items for sale.
Give each of these items a price.
Now work out how many different ways you can pay for each item.E.g.
10p + 10p + 10p + 10p + 5p + 2p + 2p = 49p
20p + 20p + 5p + 2p + 2p = 49p
Choosing Time!
Now it’s time to rest … go and play with your favourite toy, snuggle up on the sofa and watch a film, get some pens and do some drawing or put your shoes on and go in the garden! It’s up to you! HAVE FUN!
We would like to wish a Happy Easter to all of our wonderful Year 1 children, parents and carers. Parents and carers, you are doing such a brilliant job of supporting your children with their learning from home … don’t forget that you deserve a rest too!
We hope that you have a fantastic break and enjoy some special time with your families.
Speak to you all soon,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts X