Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 1st April

Good morning! I’m spending the day in school today for the first time since school closed. It will be nice to see some of the children and the teachers again. Here are your home tasks for today so enjoy and remember to share your work with us in the comments or by email. We love seeing your hard work!


Miss Battams and Miss Duncan X 🙂

Reading – Read this first part of the story and answer the questions below.

Can you find any unknown vocabulary you could learn the meaning of?  

What do you know has happened so far? (This should be something that has definately happened in the text)

Example: I know that Jacob has a dog called Rocky.

What do you infer has happened? ( This should be a sensible guess at what you think you know based upon the text)

Example: I infer that the robot dog is made of metal because robots can be made from metal materials.

Can you predict what is going to happen next? Can you explain why you predict this? Remeber this should have a sensible link to the text you have already read.

Writing Can you write the next part of the story using the prediction you have made. Remember to use punctuation, finger spaces, conjunctions (and, because, but, if, when, or). Your writing should be in full sentences and remember to take care with your spellings. Try to make your writing and word choices as exciting as you can to hook your reader in.

Sounds-Write Phonics
Review all previously learnt sounds and reading the following year 2 words – any, every, everybody, water, sugar
Read the words: operation, destination, competition
Write the words: potion, opposition, promotion
Dictation Get somebody to read the sentence outloud so that you can have a go at writing it using your phonetic sounds and spellings knowledge: The opposition won promotion from the football league competition.


Basic Skills: Can you write the multiplication sentences to match these dice? What are the answers?

Challenge: Can you write them as division number sentences?

Maths task:

Complete the next page in your white maths book. Can you do it independently before asking for help.

Challenge: Have a go at explaining to somebody how you solved the problems. You could write some of your explanations down to share with us.

Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks seven times.
Can you write the following letters joined up? Remember to leave a finger space.
* la
* le
* ly
* lo
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.

Can you build a bug hotel in your garden? You could use an old plastic bottle or box and fill it with natural materials. If you can’t get into your garden to do this, you could draw and design one and label what you would use. Here are some examples to help you. Don’t forget to share you creations and designs with us.


To maintain your healthy lifestyle we would like you to do some form of exercise every day.
For P.E today here are some links to fun workouts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhWDiQRrC1Y Cosmic Yoga:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w Joe Wicks Workout
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-UYZOeshBo Zumba workout – start at 28 seconds.

Can you read something non-fiction? What could you find out about? What interesting facts can you read that you could share with us and your friends?


2 thoughts on “Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 1st April

  • 1st April 2020 at 11:44 am

    Rocky got ternd to a robot dog. I infer that some one is bihind a tree. I prdiced that the thingg bihiend the tree will go to the Ifull tower and make it into a raideo sistum to make every dog into a robot.

    Twist that, poosh this. The final thing, poosh that butun to get the lightning and pull the lever. Syoooo, Pfffff, shhhhh. Everything went dark! It flashed twise. The smelly creecher thort that every dog would become a robot but the dog’s could toulk and the humans barked. The dogs had the brain of a human and the humans has the brain of a dog.

    • 1st April 2020 at 8:17 pm

      Some great ideas Elliot! Well done. Miss Battams 🙂


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