Tuesday 31st March 2020 – Science Sound Activity

Hello Year 4,

I hope you are all ok and staying safe. We are missing you all.

Mr Denny snores really loudly and I wondered if you could design and make some ear defenders for me. Think about what materials you could use around the house, try using recycling materials. You can draw your design and label your ideas on paper and send photos of your made ear defenders to year4@lingsprimary.org.uk – we can’t wait to see them.

If you can’t send your photos, you can add your ideas and thinking in the comments part of this blog.

When designing your ear defenders, use these questions to help you. You can answer the questions on our blog.

  1. Why have you chosen these certain materials to make your ear defenders?
  2. How was the sound been absorbed?
  3. What material could you use to help insulate/ absorb the sound more?
  4. How have you made the test fair? What have you kept the same?


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