Monday 30th March – Year 1

Happy Monday Year 1,

How was your weekend? We hope that you have all had a good rest! Just like last week, we will be setting you some home learning challenges each day for you to WOW us with … we will post them on this blog the night before, so that your adults can have a look and see what you are learning about! Are you reading at home? We’d love to hear about the books that you have read and which ones have been your favourites! Don’t forget to ask your adult to write in your Reading Record each time you read with them … we would love to give lots of WOW points out when we go back to school!

Here are your activities for today:

  1. Sounds-Write Phonics
    All Phonics Groups:
    /or/ <or>
    all previously learnt sounds.
    Read the words: horse forward cornflake inventor borderline
    Write the words: forget mirror corner absorb
    Sound Swap: chim cham ram dram drim drish frish frosh rosh romsh ramsh amsh
    Dictation: The mirror forgot to show the man. 
  2. Reading/Writing
    As we have to stay in more – to keep those nasty germs away – we thought it would be a nice idea to create some cards to send to elderly people in the community, to encourage them to keep smiling!
    This card might be for somebody that you know (a grandparent or an elderly relative), a local care home, or even posted through a neighbour’s door … just to make their day a little bit brighter!
    Remember to use your neatest writing … try to make every letter your best and remember where we put our pencils to start! 
  3. Maths
    Explore a range of coins … 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.
    What do you notice about the coins? What do they have in common? What is different?
    What colours are they? Are they all the same size? Can you group some of the coins together?
    Record your findings. 
  4. Art
    Make a seasons circle …
    Children cut a circle and split into 4 quarters (encourage the children to recognise that this is half, and then half again – as we have learning about halving in Maths!). Decorate each quarter as a different season, thinking about what the weather is like, what the trees look like, what the sky and ground looks like, and what people wear in each season.

Remember to keep us updated! We are missing you all so very much and we are sending you some
*elbow bumps*!

Have a fantastic day,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts

2 thoughts on “Monday 30th March – Year 1

  • 30th March 2020 at 1:57 pm

    Martina loved today’s lesson,especially art


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