
Welcome back to the Summer Term.  The children have all come back so well and ready to learn.

This week, and for the 3 days last week, we have been learning about Lifecycles.  We have caterpillars and tadpoles in the classroom as well as the chicks in school.  The children have all planted a sunflower seed so we hope to send home the seeding so that you can continue to look after them at home and see how tall they grow.  As part of this topic the children have learnt the words lifecycle, metamorphosis and cocoon.  The should be able to talk to you about the lifecycle of a frog, butterfly and sunflower.  To support our learning we read lots of books including Tadpole’s Promise and The Tiny Seed.  Ask them what happened at the end of Tadpole’s Promise and what happened to all the seeds in The Tiny Seed.

What happened to the seeds?             How did this story end?  Why couldn’t tadpole keep his promise?


Nine of the eggs hatched into chicks and they will be back in school on Tuesday.

Our caterpillars are about three times the size of this now.


No froglets yet                                              Our Garden Centre

Also, on Friday we reminded the children on our class rules that we agreed back in September.  All the children signed their names to agree to always keep to them – see if they can remember what the rules are.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday

The Reception Team


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