Year 2 Home Learning – Friday 5th February

Good morning Year 2!

It’s the end of another week of fantastic home learning.

We’ve seen some great work that has been emailed to us, and we’d love to see more.

Remember we have a zoom register at 10.20am every morning. It is important you log in to this on time so that we can say good morning to each other, complete an online activity as well as explaining our work for the day. A link for this has been sent to the parent email you have registered at school. Please email us at the Year 2 email address if you need a new link sending to you.
Please bring paper and a pencil/pen to the zoom register.

Please remember to comment on the blog when you have completed your tasks, and to email us your completed work so we can see what you have been doing and support you if needed. Work can be emailed to
Have a great day and we will be waiting for you when we can all go back to school together!

Miss Duncan, Miss Battams and the rest of the Year 2 team.


Here is today’s home learning tasks

English – Reading

Read the text from yesterday which has now been edited and corrected. When you have read the text have a go at answering the questions. Remember all answers should be in full sentences and use evidence from the text to suppport your answers.

1) How are Lysander’s eyes described in the text?

2) Why do you infer Hermia’s father is described as powerful?

3) Why does Hermia describe her father Egeus as terrible?

4) Why do you infer Hermia is worried her life might be over?

The text is in the video below and you can hear it read to you.

English – Writing

Using all the information you have learnt this week about the play, the characters and what has happened, we would like you to write your own diary as if you were Hermia telling all about what has happened during the week. Think about the letter from your father, finding out you have to marry Demetrius, planning to run away with Lysander and your best friend being in love with the man you are to marry who follows you to the forest. Think about the argument you may have had in the forest over what is happening.
Your diary entry should include the following information:

-What has happened? For example, your dad Egeus telling you to marry Demetrius.
-Who was there? For example: you have told your best friend Helena what your dad Egeus has said.
-What happened next? For example: you have run away to the forest with Lysander and been followed by Helena and Demetrius.
-How were they thinking and feeling? For example: I am feeling furious that I have had to make this decision to run away from my home. 

Watch the video below to hear the instructions and to see an example text. You can use this text to help but please make sure you do not copy it and you write your own using your own ideas.


Here is your phonics for today. The lesson is split into four short video lessons, just like we split our phonics lessons in school.


Watch the following video, completed the tasks explained and solve the following problems.

Click to access T-or-F-Year-2-S4-Select-money.pdf

Click to access Y2-Autumn-Block-3-WO4-Select-money-2019.pdf



Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks twelve times.
Can you write the following KS1 words at least four times? Remember to leave a finger space.

* break


* grass


Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting. Use the Kinetic Letter formations below to help you write your words neatly.


Children’s Mental Health Week 2021.

This week has been a week celebrating supporting Children’s Mental Health and the things we can all do to make ourselves feel better when we aren’t feeling at our best. Here is a special assembly being shown in school’s nationwide that you can watch to help you understand about wellbeing and looking after yourself. We know things can be tricky and we can feel all kinds of strange feelings when things are different like they are at the minute. Remember it is important to share your worries with an adult you can trust so that they can help things get better.



Today’s story is read by Miss Battams and is called The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse.


PSHE – Online Safety

Look at the follow question. Discuss it with a grown up at home. What should you do?

Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to me at
We look forward to seeing your work!


The Year 2 Team

4 thoughts on “Year 2 Home Learning – Friday 5th February

  • 5th February 2021 at 9:05 am

    Tell someone.

    • 5th February 2021 at 9:32 am

      Have a think about who we tell. Can you think of somebody who would be a good choice to tell and why would you tell them?

      Miss Battams 🙂

  • 5th February 2021 at 11:51 am

    break break break
    pass pass pass
    grass grass grass
    fast fast fast

  • 6th February 2021 at 10:52 am

    I would tell my parents because I trust them.


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