Family Friday Fun!

For this weeks ‘Family Friday Fun’ we thought we would get you all up and active as a family by bringing some famous board games to life. All of these activities can be played inside or outside and requires no specialist equipment as you can use anything you have lying around the house. Below is a video of Mr Davies giving you some more information on this weeks Family Home Activities.

Connect 4

This game can be played in teams or as individuals and the items you will need are:

  • Two sets of counters (Bears, Socks, paper balls etc)
  • A board (Made of: paper, clothes, tape etc)

Below is a demo video of how the game is played, but you can adapt and adjust the space or equipment depending on your family.

Tic-Tac-Toe (Noughts & Crosses)

This game can be played in teams or as individuals and the items you will need are:

  • Two sets of counters (Bears, Socks, paper balls etc)
  • A board (Made of: paper, clothes, tape etc)

Below is a demo video of how the game is played, but you can adapt and adjust the space or equipment depending on your family.


This game can be played in teams or as individuals and the items you will need are:

  • Two sets of counters ‘Battleships (Bears, clothes, or other items from around the house)
  • An area divided in half to create two sides

Below is a demo video of how the game is played, but you can adapt and adjust the space or equipment depending on your family.

Hungry Hungry Hippos

This game can be played in teams or as individuals and the items you will need are:

  • Items for the Hippo to collect (Bears, clothes, or other items from around the house)

Below is a demo video of how the game is played, but you can adapt and adjust the space or equipment depending on your family.

We would love to see any pictures or videos of you and your family playing these games at home so please send them into either your year group emails or the PE email. Have fun and stay active!

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