Reception Home Learning Tuesday 19th January

Good morning everyone

Today it’s Tuesday, yesterday was Monday and tomorrow it will be Wednesday.  So we will continue with the story of The Three Little Pigs with you re-telling the story today.  But first it’s you go..boards, pens and rubbers ready?

Phonics Group A

Phonics Group B


Phonics Group C – Please ignore any references to days or groups as this was recorded while we were self isolating.

Here’s an extra little game for Group C to help with their blending skills.

Reading  – please go to Monday’s post and carry on reading the book for your group or re-read if you did it all yesterday (link below).


Can you remember the new words that Mrs O’Hagan taught you yesterday?  Here’s a reminder.

So today you are going to start to practise re-telling the story and hopefully you will remember to use some of these words.



Please choose session Matching 6 7 and 8


Yesterday we fed the Three Little Pigs pasta remembering that the little pig had one piece less than the middle sized pig and the big pig had one more piece than the middle sized pig.  Today Mrs Allen has another activity looking at one more and one less.  This time she is using a number line.  If your child doesn’t recognise numbers yet please use items again – like pasta or cereal.  If they are secure working up to 10, work on the teen numbers and get them to write them out.

Physical Development

Please continue to access the PE lessons on Jasmine.  We also have Mrs O’Hagan and her children challenging you to some PE with socks this week!  Here’s her first challenge – 


Listen to Mrs Webb reading you The Three Little Pigs but she leaves some gaps for you to join in.  Enjoy!

We hope you enjoy today’s activities.  We know its every hard keeping up the momentum with home learning but please do try and keep their ‘school’ time structured and try to complete all the work that we set.

Many thanks

The Reception Team 

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