Monday 18th January 2021
Morning Year 6
I hope you had a lovely weekend and are ready for another fantastic week of learning.
We hope to see you all on Zoom at 9:05am
Warm up challenge (15 minutes)
Please completely your weekly retrieval quiz.
Reading (40 minutes)
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘fairies’?
Do you think of sweet, innocent fairies:
or sinister, dangerous fairies:
Throughout history, fairies have been represented in many different ways.
Read the text below which explains how fairies have been thought of throughout history.
Fairies today are the stuff of children’s stories, little magical people with wings, often shining with light. Typically pretty and female, like Tinkerbell in Peter Pan, they usually use their magic to do small things and are mostly friendly to humans.
We owe many of our modern ideas about fairies to Shakespeare and stories from the 18th and 19th centuries. Although we can see the origins of fairies as far back as the Ancient Greeks, we can see similar creatures in many cultures. The earliest fairy-like creatures can be found in the Greek idea that trees and rivers had spirits called dryads and nymphs. Some people think these creatures were originally the gods of earlier, pagan religions that worshipped nature. They were replaced by the Greek and Roman gods, and then later by the Christian God, and became smaller, less powerful figures as they lost importance.
Another explanation suggests the origin of fairies is a memory of real people, not spirits. So, for example, when tribes with metal weapons invaded land where people only used stone weapons, some of the people escaped and hid in forests and caves. Further support for this idea is that fairies were thought to be afraid of iron and could not touch it. Living outside of society, the hiding people probably stole food and attacked villages. This might explain why fairies were often described as playing tricks on humans. Hundreds of years ago, people actually believed that fairies stole new babies and replaced them with a ‘changeling’ – a fairy baby – or that they took new mothers and made them feed fairy babies with their milk.
While most people no longer believe in fairies, only a hundred years ago some people were very willing to think they might exist. In 1917, 16-year-old Elsie Wright took two photos of her cousin, nine-year-old Frances Griffiths, sitting with fairies. Some photography experts thought they were fake, while others weren’t sure. But Arthur Conan Doyle, the writer of the Sherlock Holmes detective stories, believed they were real. He published the original pictures, and three more the girls took for him, in a magazine called The Strand, in 1920. The girls only admitted the photos were fake years later in 1983, created using pictures of dancers that Elsie copied from a book.
After reading the text, did anything surprise you?
Has it changed what you thought or felt about fairies?
Write a comparison table (like the one below) about how people feel about fairies.
Good thoughts about fairies. | Negative thoughts about fairies |
2. |
2. |
Use the information that you have read and what you have put in your table to answer the following question:
Are fairies usually seen as a good or a bad creature?
Writing (40 minutes)
In today’s lesson, we are going to look at how we use hyphens correctly in our writing.
Remember this is a hyphen: –
It looks like a dash but is smaller and we use it to join two words together to make a new one.
Read the information on this PowerPoint about when to use hyphens, completing the tasks as you go.
Write a paragraph about a topic of your choice which contains at least 10 hyphenated words (try to make the type of hyphen different).
Maths (1 hour)
Starter challenge:
This week, we will be completing some Rapid Reasoning at the start of each lesson. Remember to give yourself 5 minutes to answer all of the questions.
Here are your questions for today:
Main activity:
Find something in the house that has a variety of colours
For example:
- A set of beads
- Some buttons
- Some marbles
- A packet of Skittles
- A packet of Smarties
We will need these to help us today because we are going to be looking at collecting and organising data.
Before looking at your items, think about the following questions:
- How could you show how many of each colour was in each pack?
- How could you check to see if each pack is the same every time?
To do this, we will be looking at data handling.
Data – facts or statistics collected together.
Handling – storing and presenting data.
This week, we will look at lots of different ways that we can present data.
The first thing we are going to look at is a Tally Chart and a Frequency Table
Watch the video at the link below which will explain what a tally chart and a frequency table are and show you how to create one. You don’t need to watch it all if you understand.
Create a tally chart or frequency table to show the number of each coloured item you have
Colour | Tally | Frequency |
Now we are going to use our tally chart and frequency table to create a Bar Chart.
A bar chart is another way that we can represent data.
A bar chart looks like this:
It must contain the following things:
- A title which explains what the bar chart is about
- A y-axis (the one labelled frequency) which shows us the numbers that the bars represent
- A x-axis (the one labelled types of tree) which shows us the data – in our data, the colours
- A gap between each bars
- Bars that are the same width
Draw a bar chart using your data from the tally chart.
Hint: make sure you take your time when drawing your axis so that you have enough space to draw your bars.
Finally use your graphs to answer these questions:
- Which is the most common colour?
- Which is the least common colour?
- How many items did you have in total?
- What is the difference between your highest colour and your lowest colour?
Independent Reading (20 minutes)
Spend 20 minutes reading a book of your choice or catch up with my daily reading on the blog.
History (1 hour)
This week’s question is:
How was the kingdom created?
Have a think back to last week and see if you can answer these questions:
Ogiso – King of Benin
Edo people – tribe in West Africa who craeted the first Benin communities
Unified – made whole, one
Read the following information about the kingdom came together:
It is hard to imagine how, more than 1,000 years ago, a vast and wealthy kingdom began to grow deep inside the rainforest of West Africa. The Kingdom of Benin was built by the Edo people. The early history of the Edo people between the 9th and 13th centuries is hard to fully piece together as there were no written records left. However, archaeological evidence and spoken history have helped to build a picture of how the civilisation began.
The Edo were not the first people to live in the area but we know that they developed the kingdom. They had previously lived further north in the continent of Africa where they grazed animals on open grassland. We are not sure why they had to move south. It could have been because others wanted their land.
In around AD900, the Edo people started to live together first in small family groupings and then in village settlements made up of several family groups . They made clearings in rainforests by cutting down trees. The groups lived happily but life was precarious. Many of these groups then joined up with others to form larger communities which offered them protection from wild animals and rival villages. In addition to this, some villages and tribes joined together to form a conglomerate that improved trading. As this process went on, the communities became larger and formed the unified kingdom of Benin which was ruled by an ‘Ogiso’
What does this tell us about how the kingdom was created?
Do you think joining together to make a kingdom is a good idea? What are the benefits or disadvantages of doing this?
Create a grid using these headings and fill it in with your own thoughts and ideas:
Reasons why joining another group would be a good idea. | Reasons why joining a group would be a bad idea. |
Some problems that might arise from joining another group. | Questions I might have for another group that I join. |
Imagine you are in charge of a group of people and you would like other groups to join yours.
Write a speech that encourages them to join your group.
Think about:
- What advantages would they have by joining your group?
- What are the strengths of your group that they could benefit from?
- Why would a bigger group be better than 2 small groups?
Spelling (15 minutes)
Are you a Crystal Explorer?
Complete the game below to find out! When given the game options, choose spelling.
Online Safety:
Story Time
Listen to the next chapter of The Explorer
Romeo and Juliet Broadcast
If you enjoyed the broadcast of A Midsummer Night’s Dream last week, a new one is ready for you to watch if you would like to.
This week it is Romeo and Juliet.
Well done for a great day Year 6.
See you in the morning! For tomorrow’s Zoom, you will need a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
Miss Kinsella and Mrs Maruzza
The thing that surprised me was that they use to be gods because I thought they were just mythical creatures. No it has not changed the way I feel about fairies
My good thoughts about fairies
1They are sweet and innocent
2 People still believe in them
My bad thoughts about them
1.They aren’t powerful
2.They can be dangerous
That surprised me as well Sadia – I didn’t realise that they had been viewed as Gods!
When I hear the word fairies I think delacate and cute but also magical. But when your reading the midsummer’s night dream I think cheeky, jokster and very sly,smart. They appear dangerous but they really are just different type of fairies more dark and mysterious.
Great thoughts Evie, well done.
It was such a shock that they used to be gods
It has because I never thought of the bad side of fairies
Its an amazing lead to imagination
Some of them aren’t as sinister as the others
They look so innocent so if they are sinister most time people wont know
They are deadly when they want to be
Great, well done!
Good forts bad forts
People these days more for some time in the 19th century
believethat fairies are made people believe that fairies are bad
up creatures that are just and would steal their baby’s
Used fore children books.
Some good thoughts Gracie.
Have you answered the final question?
Miss that’s ament to say
People these days more believe fairies are made up creatures that are just used fore children books
People yous to think in 19 century that fairies are bad and would steal you children
Why did they think that?
are fairies usually seen as a good or bad creatures
Nower days people consider fairies as good cute tiny creatures but if you tacking about the past people consider then horrible terrifying creatures 😊
What do you think about them?
I have read two chapters on Matilda the magic finger
Are you enjoying it?
fairies are nice,kind and sweetful but there are evil fairies I was told if you step in a mushroom circle you teleport into a different dimension and the fairies are evil and they like hurt you and I heard about some type of evil tinkerbell that would get angry and bite a little girl with like huge wolf teeth and that was all I know it’s fake but it wasn’t scary to me which was dissapointing.
I haven’t heard that before Zain! That is very interesting! What do you think about fairies?
They’re tiny and i think they are very nice and adorable.
Dear Diary,
At eleven-fifty-nine on my birthday I was super excited then my parents bust into my room shouting happy birthday I counted how many times they said it and it was about seventy-nine times.We went to bed and then in the morning of my birthday my sister Becky-Joe came to see me we don’t see each other because of she goes to college.I hate playing party games with her though she is to self-confident.Then we took a trip to Heathrow-Dubai flight had been delayed I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs but I couldn’t nobody wants to end up being called crazy in the non-pleasant way.Your probably thinking why am I going Dubai well I have to go to my favorite country before I go to University and also my aunt just had a baby his name is Mohammed-sukri did I forget to tell you about my mums sixties-style haircut.
Great paragraph Aamirat. Remember to re-read it for other punctuation too.
good thoughts on fairies
1.They’re tiny.
Bad thoughts on fairies
1.They can fly into you ear or nose or mouth.
2.They can bite through your skin slowly and painfully.
What do you think about fairies?
I have done my colourd chart on paper with a ruler and pencil and coloured them in I dont no how to show my work but yellow was 6 blue was 2 and green was 9
Fantastic! Well done Mason. What coloured items did you use?
Fairys can be magical faries is verry verry small and negative stuff about faries is about they srick humans.good things about faries are they look after animals and woodlen and they live in the woods but you can barley see them when there there because they are magical verry magical.
Lovely Mason, nice thoughts.
in the text it says that fairies are friendly so their probably someone who you can trust
they can be dangerous or kind
well really I don’t like cartoons fairies because for my opinion they are cringe
Great. Why do you find them cringey?
My little sister molly-may wock me up at 8-O’clock as she was so excited for school. But I was so tired because my 15-year-old brother Alfie was up all night playing on his x-box all night then when I went down to break my mum was ready to go on her morning-run so after that I went and got dressed and then I joined my 9:05 zoom lesson as my amazing teacher miss kinsella started the zoom lesson and then ended it at 9:25-O’clock
A fantastic use of hyphens Gracie!!
Fairies are sometimes bad and mostly good usually a fairy dies when you say ( I don’t believe in fairies ? ) well that’s what they say in Peter Pan and the movie Hook .
good thought :
I think fairies are really good and funny at playing tricks on each other
bad thought :
if your the person getting tricked👎 no one likes that .
Good thoughts Dan well done.
1. most common colour was purple
2.The least was blue
What coloured items did you use Sadia?
I used beads
online safety
you should ask a parent so you know what to do on ask someone else like a older sibling .
What might they suggest?
they might suggest to try to ignore it
1. red is the highest
2. tallow is the smallest
3. 32
4. 8
What colourful items did you use?
miss i dont understand the rapid reasoning
Which question don’t you understand?
mostly number 1
If you look at 1/4 what would the equivalent decimal be?
Great. Now have a go at working out the rest and send them over.
They might suggest to try to ignore it ?
Well done.
I used the colours black yellow red green blue
Great! What colourful items did you use?
i used uno cards
Good thinking!
Do not search it again and tell an adult
Good Evie.
If I saw something like that I would talk to someone dont search it or take your mind of it
That is a good idea Aamirat.
It is difficult because we did not live back then we get our information from science and DNA
DNA tests or archeology
It is not helping because all the lies they are telling
Great work Aamirat!
It would be a good idea top make battles harder
It is a bad idea because space and arguments
Once one is sick and they dont know all will be sick
Whats it like?
do u like it there?
Some good points Aamirat – what would you do?
I would not join in case i do something wrong or refuse to do something they chop my head off
Is that in response to the internet security?
1)dont know 2)5 3)? 4)? 5)lysander 6)you edit in powerpoint 7)antony made sculptures 8)dont trust random people
Some good answers. Have a look back at last week’s work to find your missing answers.
good thoughts 1)some help people 2)magic for good bad thoughts 1)hurt people 2)stole food
Good ideas Declan – what do you think about fairies?
maths 1)1.5 2)30.100 3)1.4 4)6.10 5)72.100 2)-6 3)310,000, 30,000, 340, 320, 3.5, 3
Well done Declan. Could you just clarify which decimal fraction goes with which fraction equivalent and check the order of distance.
history 1) nigeria 2)1300 3)ogiso 4)its that old that people forgot or dont know 5)all items from ages ago still exist 6)some people make up stories(letting people join) need to know others, more people to protect backstab to take overthe kingdom and need to use materials.
Some great answers – well done Declan!
1. Nigeria
2. 11 centaury
3. Ogiso
Well done Alex. Just check question 2.
1. 1/5 = 0.2
2. 30/100 =0.3
3. 1/4= 0.25
4. 6/10= 0.6
5. 72/100 = 0.72
Well done Dan.
Online safety
you should go get an adult and explain whats going on and you should never figure it out on your own because it could tell you to put in personal info to get out
Great Dhanshri!