English – Thursday 14th January
Don’t forget that there is a Zoom session to introduce this lesson at 11 o’clock.
The lesson is about Hermia and Lysander, and what they plan to do in reaction to what Egeus has said.
In case you’ve forgotten, Egeus is concerned that Demetrious has his permission to marry Hermia but that she is in love with Lysander. Egeus has referred to the law of Athens which says that she either marries the person who he chooses or he disposes of her – through either her death or a life without any other man. Duke Theseus then tells Hermia that her father should be respected like a God and that she should listen to him.
When they find themselves alone, Hermia and Lysander talk about what they should do. Their conversation is shown below.
A reminder of a couple of words: league – a large collection or group of people. Cupid – the ancient Roman God of love.
Think about what Hermia and Lysander are saying to each other. If you are not sure or can’t remember, here is Mr Bushell reading the script and explaining what they are saying to each other.
Your first written task is to answer these questions about the text.
- What is Hermia angry about?
- What is Lysander’s plan? What does he ask Hermia to do?
- Lysander says, “Keep promise, love.” What does this suggest about Hermia?
You should then think and write about the following question:
Should Hermia stay in Athens or run away with Lysander to the forest? (you should write at least 100 words for this).
– Think of and write reasons for both sides of the argument.
– What would you advise Hermia to do and why?
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Mr Bushell
I know this is not English but if I Finnish my reading book can I please read other books frilom home.
Even though it is not on the schedule for school can I please do some Spanish on Doulingo
Of course! Make sure that you do the other tasks first though.
Mr Bushell
Of course you can. The more reading you do the better.
Mr Bushell
1) Hermia is angry that her father decides who she marries
2) Lysander’s plan is to run away to the forest
3) It suggests that Hermia is his Girlfriend
Hermia should run into the forest and gain freedom because she isn’t allowed to marry who she wants so she should run to the forest and marry her love, Lysander. There is no-one in the woods so they would have more space in the city. It’ll only be them two together. She should run away and she could what she wants and would have no limits or danger. They could just marry in secret without a death of Hermia and live without the ancient laws of Athens! They could do anything they want without Duke Theseus, Egeus and the court
Stay or you’ll die! I want to be free and marry the man I choose
I won’t let you! I will be free
I would run away if I was Hermia
Hello Franek
You make some good points here and you have a persuasive case.
I wonder what they will find in he woods if they do go?
Lysander says “keep promise, love”. Do you think he is sure that Hermia will meet him? Why might he have doubts?
Mr Bushell
1. Hermia is angry because she can’t marry Lysander.
2. Lysander asks Hermia to run away to the forest
3. they love eachother
She should runaway with Lysander to the forest as there are no rules there. And she will not be near her father and she can’t get ruled over. I advise her to go to the forest because there is no ruler or duke. However the forests are wild and dangerous though it’s not worse then marrying Demetrius instead of Lysander. And she will not want be sent to Demetrius or to her death. Though she will be living in the forest near the trees it will be better then living with her father in Athens. would you do the same?
Hello Kiran
I think that you have presented a persuasive case here.
Do you think that Lysander is totally sure that Hermia will meet him in the forest? Why might he have a slight doubt?
Mr Bushell
1. Hermia is annoyed because she cannot marry the man of her choice.
2. Lysanders plan is to go to the forest with Hermia
3. Keep love means they love each other
I think that Hermia should run away with Lysander because she does not have freedom to do what she wants and she has to marry a specific person not the man of her choice also she feels comfortable with Lysander and they have feeling for one an other and they have nobody that can control them. On the other hand Hermia should not go because she could get killed for doing what she is not allowed to do and what if Lysander does something bad to Hermia like giving her something poisonous also she could fall into a trap for example Lysander could say to meet her there but just leave when she is arriving to the forest anything could happen.
Hello Talal
You make some interesting points. In question 3, Lysander refers to Hermia keeping her promise to meet him in the forest. Why might he be worried that she decides not to meet him?
Mr Bushell
Hermia is angry because her father won’t allow her to marry Lysander.
Lysander’s plan is to get Hermia to run away and meet him in the forest.
Hermia might change her mind.
I think Hermia will run away with Lysander to the forest because she is in love with him and wants to marry him, but her father wants her to marry Demetrius, not Lysander. Hermia knows that if she stays in Athens,then she will have to follow the orders of her father and marry Demetrius. Egeus wants hermia to marry Demetrius because he is a good man. She does not want to do that.
But, if she does not marry Demetrius, she knows that she will die because her father wants to follow the law and the Duke of Athens.
If Hermia runs to the forest, she will be safe from her angry father and she can marry Lysander.
If she stays in Athens, Lysander will be sad but she will not die because she will be following her father’s orders.
I think Hermia should get out of Athens because if she stays, she will die.
Hello Cody
This is a great post with so many interesting points.
You have done really well on the 3 questions. I wonder why Hermia might change her mind about meeting Lysander?
I wonder too if all will be ok in the forest with Lysander?
Mr Bushell
1. What is Hermia angry about?
Hermia is angry about Lysander that love hasn’t gone well.
2. What is Lysander’s plan? What does he ask Hermia to do?
To go inside their father’s home tell Hermia to come in the woods because it has told in the script.
3. Lysander says, “Keep promise, love.” What does this suggest about Hermia?
That Hermia is trustworthy to Lysander and won’t break the oath.
I think that Hermia should run away because Rules of Athens is too harsh for anyone so it will be too hard for Hermia. Hermia should run as she would be safe but can be really rude to run away. His father the meaning of true love as he is marrying her to someone who is not right. Athens is her home but she thinks that it is not the right place.
One reason for running away is that Hermia can’t resist to Athens. And a reason for not running away is that the rules can’t be disobeyed.
I would Advise for her to just say, “I will marry Demetrius but let me with Lysander.”-The last option for her, or run away is her first option.
Hello Hargun.
The second section really shows what a tough decision this is for Hermia. It must be really difficult for her to know what to do.
For your earlier questions:
1. Is Hermia angry with Lysander? Who might she blame more and why?
2. Lysander is not planning to go to Hermia’s house. He is telling Hermia to leave it and meet him in the woods.
3. This is true but I wonder if Lysander worries about Hermia meeting him? Maybe he fears hat Egeus will get in the way.
Mr Bushell
1. She is angry that she has her love chosen for her.
2. Lysander’s plan is that hermia gets out of her father’s house and run to the woods.
3. It suggests she should keep a secret.
I don’t think they should because there might be animals in the woods that might try to attack/eat them but they have no one to help them. And if they get caught they will be in trouble with Egeus and the Duke of Athens. Hermia could be punished and Lysander will go to the Duke and get badly punished too.
Hermia shouldn’t do it because she knows if she gets caught it will be bad because she will die or marry Demetrius. She shouldn’t go in the woods because there is a chance the might not come out again.
Hello Max
This is a really interesting response. I like the fact that you are cautious. Others have been saying that they would definitely go!
You seem to have a feeling that things will not be straightforward for Hermia and Lysander. I wonder if you will be right?
Mr Bushell
As I have done everything on the blog can I plz do DT akak lego so that is part of a leason I think
Of course you can Bella!
Don’t forget that you can also email work to yearfive@lingsprimary.org.uk
We also have a Zoom register at 9.25am – email us to get the link for next week.
There are also some extra Zoom sessions on some days – email us for the links.
Mr Bushell
1. Hermia is angry because she can’t marry Lysander.
2. Lysanders plan is to hide secretly in the woods so that Hermia and Lysander so they can marry in secret.
3. The small phrase suggests that Hermia will keep loving Lysander even when he dies.
Hermia should not go into the woods as there could be potential dangers as there could be danger as animals could attack or kill them. They could get lost and have to survive in the wild. They could also come out at the wrong time and get into trouble by Egeus and other members of the court of Athens.
She could even get punished and Lysander will get punished too. So Hermia should chose marriage with Demetrius or get sent to death.
Hello Owen
Good answers to questions 1 and 2. For number 3, this is probably true but the promise that Lysander wants Hermia to keep at that moment is to do with the plan they have just made.
I agree that it is a risk for them to go to the forest and disobey Ageus but is it fair that he gets to make decisions for Hermia like who she should marry?
What a dilemma for Hermia!
Mr Bushell
1. Hermia is angry that her father decides who she marries
2. Lysander’s plan is to run away to the forest
3. It means that Hermia and Lysander love each other
Lysander whispered to Hermia” Todays night lets meet in the forest, Helena is coming!”
If I would be Hermia I would NOT go to the ancient forest(I would be too scared really)
so Hermia couldn’t stop thinking about that so Hermia gone to her home and then she slowly carefully tip toed out of the window and did she get out? Yes she did! now just to go to the forest. she tried not to break any sticks when she was walking she entered the forest and she met Lysander. Yay but still if i would be Helena i would say ok I do NOT want to die ok? I would do what my dad would say
Hello Alex
Good answers to questions 1 and 2. For question 3 I think that what you say is true but what other promise does Lysander now want Hermia to keep? (think about the plan that they have just made).
Your views about what Hermia should do are interesting. There are a few people who agree with you but others think that Ageus should not be able to make such decisions for his daughter. What a difficult situation for her!
Mr Bushell
English task one
1. Hermia is angry because her father (Egeus) want her to marry Demetius but she loves lysander
2.lysanders plan is for him and hermia to runaway together into the forset. He asks Hermia to meet him in the forest a few miles from town
3.Mean keep your promise. Hermia might be having second thoughts.
Well done on question 3 as this was a tough one. How sure do you think Lysander is that Hermia will meet him?
Mr Bushell
English task 2
I think Hermia should run away with Lysander because she is in love with him. I dont think anybody should have to marry somebody that they dont love. She she also go because her father is really unpleasant, as choosing between a man you don’t love and death is cruel.
I dont think Hermia should run away with Lysander because her father will hun them down and kill her.
Hermia will always be living her life in fear, wondering if her father will find her. Hermia and Lysander will find it hard to survive. Hermia should do as her father wishes and marry Demetrius.
Hello Mia
You have really begun to capture the different sides of the argument. What a tough choice for Hermia!
What would you do?
Mr Bushell
Hermia is angry because she wants to marry Lysander instead her father said that she should marry dermitus
What would you do if you were Hermia?
Lysander plans was to meet her in the forest so he ask Hermia to meet him in the forest
And when Lysander said promise my love it suggest that she has to keep her promise by meeting him in the forest