Key Stage One Real PE at home – Friday 8th January

Now that you all have your personalised login for the Create Development Jasmine Active Home portal we can now start to set you fun challenges and games that you can try at home by yourself or with other family members. To access the portal you just need to follow this link (Jasmine Home Portal) and type in your personalised username and password.

This term you will now be leaving the jungle and monkeys behind as your now take to the tracks of trains.  You will now become part of the Train Parade working on different movements that a train would make. To do this you will need to use your ‘cognitive skills’ which means you need to be ‘Wise’ and find things out for yourself coming up with your own ideas. As always we would love to see some pictures and videos of you playing the games or exploring the skills at home so we can share them with others, so please send any pictures or videos to

Here is a video (split into 4 parts) which will talk you through where you can find your PE Challenges for this term and on the Jasmine Active Home Portal.


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