Lings Primary Pre-School – places available..please can you help?

Dear Parents and Carers

Do you know that we have a fabulous Pre-School in our Early Years provision at school?  It is attached to the Reception Classrooms and is a successful and thriving part of our school community.  Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we have been unable to advertise the pre-school nor show potential parents, carers and children around.  We have a number of spaces available in September and would really appreciate it if you could pass on our details to any families with pre-school children that you know, who might be interested in joining.  We can take children from three years old and they can access 15 hours of free childcare, 30 if they are working parents and meet the eligibility criteria.  Pre-school is open from 9am to 3pm and is run by experienced, enthusiastic and caring colleagues.

I hope that the pictures below show you what a wonderful Pre-school we have.  For further information please call the school or e-mail  Thank you for your help.

Mrs Tucker

Early Years Leader


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