Year 2 Home Learning – Wednesday 6th January

Good morning Year 2!

We hope you enjoyed your home learning tasks yesterday. We know it’s a little bit different learning from home, but we are here if you need any help. We know you can do this!

Remember we have a zoom register at 10.20am every morning. It is important you log in to this promptly so that we can say good morning to each other, and give you some instructions for today’s learning. A link for this has been sent to the parent email you have registered at school. PLease email us at the Year 2 email address if you need a new link sending to you. 

Here is your home learning for today. All the plans and resources you need to complete the learning are attached to this blog post. Please remember to comment on the blog when you have completed your tasks, and to email us your completed work so we can see what you have been doing and support you if needed. Work can be emailed via your pupil email address (details were issued last term) or via a parents email address to

Have a great day and we will be waiting for you when we can all go back to school together!

MIss Battams and Miss Duncan.



Here is your English home learning reading and writing tasks for today.

The text you need to read and the sentence openers you need to complete the tasks above are in the powerpoint link below. Remember if you click on the speaker symbol on the power point, the text will be read to you or you will get more instructions on how to complete the tasks. English powerpoint resources Wednesday


Here is your phonics learning for today.

Click the link below to access the phonics resources and follow the plan for Wednesday. There are some instructions on the power point to help you complete the tasks. If you click on the speaker symbol the sounds, words for writing, dictation sentence as well as instructions for completing the reading tasks and speed read.

Please note, these speakers only work when you open the powerpoint link below.They will not work on the picture above.

Phonics home learning 5.1.21



Watch the video, complete the tasks explained and then solve the following problems.

Click to access T-or-F-Year-2-S2-Make-equal-groups.pdf

Click to access Y2-Autumn-Block-4-WO2-Make-equal-groups-2019.pdf



In RE this term we will be learning about Islam and looking at the commitment Muslims make to their God, Allah. We will be learning about the five pillars of Islam and how these help Muslims to live their lives and show their commitment.

Watch this short video which will explain what the five pillars of Islam are.

Can you think of something that you could make a promise or a commitment to do to help you make good choices either at school or at home and write this in full sentences. You should think about the things you will need to do to keep this promise.



We have an online log in which will link to some ebooks that follow our reading scheme in school. These books will allow your child to practice their phonics skills. It is a free resource.

Follow this link to log in:

Go to Oxford Owl for Home and click on enter site.
This will give you the option to choose a book recommended for your age or you can choose a book from the colour you read at school.
These are all free to read and it would be great if you could read one to someone at home.

2 thoughts on “Year 2 Home Learning – Wednesday 6th January

  • 6th January 2021 at 6:20 pm

    Martinas english work


    1. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon but we don’t know his exact date of birth. His birthday is usually celebrated on the 23rd April.

    2.Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway – a local farmer’s daughter when William was only 18 years old in 1582.

    3.Together they had a daughter called Susanna in 1583 and two more children called Hamnet and Judith who were twins, born in 1585.

    4.From about 1590, Shakespeare lived mainly in London and by 1592 was a well-known actor there.

    5.He went on to write, or co-write, about 40 plays. Shakespeare was also a poet and in 1609 published a book of 154 sonnets.

    6.From about 1590, Shakespeare lived mainly in London and by 1592 was a well-known actor there.

    William Shakespeare was an English writer.

    • 11th January 2021 at 10:00 am

      Well done for using different sentence openers Martina!

      Miss Duncan


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