Happy Christmas from Reception

Well we made it through our first half term – it’s been quite like no other with the change from our normal transition arrangements, the huge flood and then having to self isolate for 2 weeks!  Anyway, despite this we feel that the children have still had a great start to school and most are making good progress with their learning.

Sadly, we were not able to do our normal Nativity so here are a couple of Festive songs to enjoy.

Catch up online learning

We have noticed that the children who were able to continue their phonics while we were off have maintained their progress.  However, the ones who didn’t have not and whilst we are trying to catch them up it would greatly benefit them to go back to all the blog posts and re-visit the phonics.   In fact, It would be great if all the children could revisit the blog posts, over the holiday, to catch up or consolidate their learning.  Please also visit the Oxfordowls website to find phonic books for them to read.

We hope that you all have a very enjoyable and safe Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Best wishes from the Reception Team.

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