Reception Home Learning Week Commencing 1st June
We hope that you all had an enjoyable Spring half term. It’s amazing that we are onto our last half term.
This week some of us are back in school and some are staying at home. Either way we will be supporting you to continue your child’s learning for however many days your children are at home. However, now that we are in school every week you will appreciate that our blogs may not be as exciting as they have been and we will be relying on some of the external resources available nationally to all parents.
If you have not been using the previous blog resources then I would urge you to go back to the beginning and use ours rather than what we are now posting.
Below is an outline of the activities that the children in school will be doing for their three days. The work is differentiated – if you do not know which column to use then please email us on
In addition, children should be reading everyday – there are a range of phonic books to choose from on
Feel free to do these activities twice or supplement them with the following:
Phonics –
These are a series of lessons using a different scheme to ours but the children will be able to follow. Click on Reception play all and then start from lesson one from the right hand side.
Reading –
You need to register, but it is free, and there are 100s of decodable books on this site.
General –
The Oak Academy is a national online teaching website providing lessons and resources for all primary aged children. You can pick a maths and literacy lesson to complete each day. More lessons are added each week.
The BBC also has lessons online but they do not cover the Early Years curriculum as well as The Oak Academy
Also a good site that we use in school, especially for maths, is Topmarks
Outline of what we will be doing in school:
Day one
Day two
Day three
Days four and five – as noted above please either repeat the activities in days 1-3 or use the additional resources listed above.
We look forward to seeing some of you back at school and some of you on Tapestry!
Best wishes
The Reception Team