Hi Year 2
Normally on a Friday afternoon we would have ‘Celebrations’ where we would celebrate and congratulate our friends on their amazing learning. However, everything is a little bit different at the moment.
Even though it has been strange, you have shown what mature, independent and resilient children you are.
I am so proud to be your teacher!
Well done and a big thank you to all of the grown ups supporting children at home. We couldn’t do any of this without your continued support.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday morning for our Zoom register meeting.
Take care and stay safe
Miss Duncan
Well done to the children who have commented on the blog.
- Monica
- Sebastian
- Cornelia
Your work as has been brilliant so keep it up!
Below are some examples of the work that’s been emailed to us this week.
Gabby’s fantastic pop art portrait!
Ellie has been using ‘Part-Part-Whole’ in Maths
Jeshurun has been practicing the ‘ee’ sound in Phonics
Joshua has been challenging himself in Maths
Kornel used technology to create his port art self portrait.
Mark has been practising our common exception words
Lilly’s colourful portrait.
Stefania has been using brilliant vocabulary in her English work.
Mazey has been working hard to find 10 more and 10 less.
Mia’s imaginative writing.
Milo has been practising his common exception words.
Natasha has been using exciting vocabulary in her English work.