Reception home learning Friday 4th December

Good morning Home Learners! What a busy week we have all had – thank you children AND grown ups for all your hard work this week – you have really made us all smile. We have another busy but good day for you, and then we will all have a well deserved rest for the weekend! Make sure to recharge your batteries! It’s Friday, so that always means Rocket Words…Mrs Tucker is ready!


On Fridays we focus on the high frequency words – we aim to help the children how to read and write 45 before they leave Reception and, if they do, we set them up with the first 100 high frequency words.  But for today, I have done videos for rockets 1,2 and 3.  Start at 1 and only progress to 2 if they can do 1 and then onto 3 if they can do 2 etc.  Last Friday I wrote out all 45 so you can keep going until such point that they have more to learn.  But just concentrate on doing 2 or 3 at a time before moving on.

Rocket One

Rocket 2

Rocket 3


Rocket Word Challenge

There’s 12 rocket words here in one minute…how many can you remember?  Let me know..can anyone get 12???


There are two videos for today’s starter – this is a challenge!

Here are the lines!


I have a fun maths game for you today!


Miss Wearing has a rhyming activity for you today –

You will need these words to help you with your task:

bat, moon, fox, bug, fin – you can write them down on your whiteboard or a bit of paper.

Understanding the World

You practised using your observational skills on Wednesday – can you do better today with Mrs Henderson’s questions?


Expressive Art and Design

When we are back next week we will, of course, be thinking about Christmas but unfortunately we will not have time to do all the normal activities that we usually plan.  So, over the weekend, if you can, could you make a decoration for our classroom?  We will ask you to put them in a box and then we will put them in the isolation room for at least 72 hours to avoid any contamination.  Here are a few ideas to inspire you!


We would also like all the home learning plastic folders, phonics boards and pens, phonics books (even if partially used but please name if so) and resources returned to school.  Again we will put these in isolation before we will sort and refresh them (in case we all have to self isolate again)


I read this one to my class and thought it was so nice that I would share again with everyone.  Have a lovely weekend everybody.  The Reception Team.


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