Friday 10th July 2020 Home Learning Tasks
Good morning Year 2! It’s Friday and that’s another week of home learning done! Thank you to all the children who have sent us work and left us comments on the blog this week. We are very proud of your hard work.
Here are your home learning tasks for today. Have a fantastic Friday!
Read the text below and answer the questions.
Can you write a story about a snake? Think about a beginning, middle and end for your story. You should use punctuation, finger spaces and your best handwriting. You should also use your phonics to help with your spellings.
Today there is another clue for you to solve to find the culprit in our story. Use the grid below that you started to complete yesterday when you have the answer to today’s clue.
Here is today’s clue. Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post to tell us who you think the culprit is!
Common Exception Words.
We need to practice these words to make sure we can read and spell them ready to move into year 3. Below are all the words you need to be able to read and spell. Remember, some must start with capital letters for them to be spelt correctly so be careful!
Complete this task to help you practice reading and spelling these words.
We talk all the time about staying safe and not talking to strangers. However, there are some strangers who are safe because these are people who help others such as police officers, teachers, nurses, vets. Can you complete the activity below to learn about safe strangers.
Don’t forget to keep completing your summer reading challenge! This is the last of my favourite stories from when I was at school. I have so many more I could share with you though! Enjoy!
Leave a comment to tell me which of the stories you enjoyed most and why.