Wednesday 8th July – Year 5

Good morning Year 5 – I hope you and your families are all well.

Here is your work for today:


Can you remember our spelling pattern for this week? We first looked at it on Monday.

Try this following activity:

2986 = mm worksheet


Today we are going to look at the Arctic and Antarctic.

Can you answer the following questions:

  • What do you know about the North and South Poles?
  • Where are they?
  • What’s there?
  • Where can you see the North and South Poles on a world map?
  • How cold does it get in these locations?
  • What kinds of animals live in these extreme environments?
  • What is the climate like?

Read the following extract from David Attenborough’s Frozen Planet:


I’d like you to make a table that compares the Arctic and Antarctic. What the same about them? What’s different? If they are different – how?You can use the above text but you can also add some extra research of your own. The table can compare the two places using each of the bullet points above but you could also include the following too:

  • Coldest recorded temperature
  • Temperature in the summer
  • Temperature in the winter
  • Animals that live there
  • Number of daylight hours
  • Do any plants grow there?


We will continue our work on Shape with this lesson:

Tell me what you have learnt. What’s a polygon?

Now try this challenge:

Here is your final Maths task today:



Let’s end today with a lovely Music session. I thought you might enjoy some beat boxing!

Have fun today. Take care,

Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro XX

16 thoughts on “Wednesday 8th July – Year 5

  • 8th July 2020 at 10:50 am

    Good morning xxx!😱💜👏🏻💎🎨♥️🔺

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:29 pm

      Hi Evie!!

  • 8th July 2020 at 11:34 am

    morning ,
    Facts about the north and south pole,
    It’s About 700 miles when u meet land .During the summer the sun is always up . The south pole is 9,300 feet but some people say it feels like 11,000 feet. The south pole is colder then the north pole. The north pole in summer is 32*F [0*C ] and in the winter its -40*F [-40*C] but in the south pole it’s much more colder in the summer it’s -18*F [-28.2*C] in the winter -70*F [-60*C].

    The south lies on a continental land mass.The north pole is in the middle of the Arctic ocean. The north pole is up at the top of the map and the south pole is down at the bottom of the map .

    Penguins , ice fish , polar bears .

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:30 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Some really good comparisons – well done.
      Your last sentence is a bit unclear – where are these animals found?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 11:34 am

    They are both deserts
    The north pole is at the top of the earth and the south pole is at the bottom of the earth.
    Snow, ice, penguins, polar, bears, freezing water and narwhal whales.
    -79F and -47F
    below freezing.

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:32 pm

      Hi Dan,

      You should be writing in full sentences – the last two lines are very unclear about what you mean.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 2:04 pm

    1. North and South poles are the coldest place on earth
    2. north pole is on the top of the earth that we call north and south pole is on the bottom of the earth that we call south .
    3. Really the North and South poles have snow and ice and big frozen hills .
    4. you can see them in a world map or a globe to find them if you look north or south .
    5. there temperature is like -30.
    6. the animals that lives there are penguin , polar bears , fish , husky, dears , artic fox , cape fur seal , walrus and killer whale.
    7. the climate is cold .

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:33 pm

      Hi Alex,

      Well done – some very interesting facts. Don’t forget to use capital letters at the beginning of your sentences – I think I’ve mentioned this recently!

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 2:33 pm

    Always sometimes or never true
    1. sometimes
    2. true
    3. never
    4. always

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:37 pm

      Hi Alex,

      A good effort – the last one was correct but here are the answers:
      •Never true– equal sides and equal angles.
      •Sometimes true – equilateral triangles are, scalene are not.
      •Sometimes true – if the rhombus has right angles and is a square.
      •Always true.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 4:09 pm

    1. North and south poles are the top and bottom of the Earth
    2. North pole is in the Arctic, South pole is in the Antarctic
    3. There is only ice at the North and south poles.
    4. At the top and at the bottom of the map
    5. It can get very cold at the poles because they are always frozen. -50 degrees
    6. Polar bears are around the North pole, and penguins are near the south pole
    7. The climate is cold, windy, sometimes sunny but always frozen.

    Arctic Anarctic
    Frozen Frozen
    Mainly sea with some land Mainly land surrounded by South sea
    -40 degrees C -50 degrees C
    Polar Bears & humans Penguins and killer whales

    • 8th July 2020 at 4:37 pm

      Hi Zain,

      Some brilliant comparison s – well done.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 4:16 pm

    Maths 2
    1. square
    2. Equilateral
    3. rectangle
    4. hexagon
    5. right angle tringle
    6. isosceles
    7. pentagon
    8. parallelogram
    9. kite
    10. trapezium
    11. rhombus
    12. scalene triangle
    13. octagon
    14 . heptagon
    15. nonagon
    16. arrowed head.

    • 9th July 2020 at 10:44 am

      Hi Alex,

      Brilliant naming of polygons – well done.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 8th July 2020 at 4:29 pm


    – Regular polygon has equal sides but not equal angles – False
    – A triangle is a regular polygon – Only if it’s an equilateral triangle otherwise false
    – A rhombus is a regular polygon – False
    – Number of angles and sides are the same in a polygon – True

    1. Square
    2. Equilateral triangle
    3. Rectangle
    4. Hexagon
    5. Right angle triangle
    6. Isosceles triangle
    7. Pentagon
    8. Parallelogram
    9. Kite
    10. Trapezium
    11. Rhombus
    12. Scalene triangle
    13. Octagon
    14. Heptagon
    15. Nonagon
    16. Arrowhead

    • 9th July 2020 at 10:47 am

      Hi Zain,

      Well done for completing the Always, Sometimes, Never.
      Double check the 3rd one – what about a square?

      Brilliant naming of polygons – well done!

      Mrs Millard XX


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