Friday 3rd July – Year 5
Hi Year 5 – it’s Friday!
Here are your tasks for today:
ICTΒ – Safety at Home
Discuss the following scenario with an adult at home:
We have been looking at festivals and celebrations this week. Today, I’d like you to invent your own festival/celebration. It needs to be something that isn’t celebrated at the moment. What things do you think need celebrating? It could be the middle of Winter, the first day of Autumn, the day we had most sunshine last year, the 50th day of the school term – it could be absolutely anything. Think about the things that you enjoy and what you think deserves to be celebrated.
I’d like you to write about the festival or celebration, detailing the following:
- When will it take place and why?
- Who will celebrate – is it the whole community or just certain people?
- How will it be celebrated?
- What sort of things will people do? How will they behave?
- Is specific food involved?
- How long will the celebrations last?
- How often will it happen? – Once a year, once every two years…
Today, I’m setting you some revision on decimal numbers followed by some challenges. Here is the decimals task – the answers are at the bottom. Again, tell me how you did.
It’s challenge Friday – try a few of the following challenges.
Here are the answers to the challenges – no peeking before you attempt them!
Maths answers – Friday challenges
The following music lesson explores emotions in music. Let me know what you think.
Have a go at the following quiz. Let me know your score out of 20.
I hope you have enjoyed this week – next week our theme is ‘Around the World’.
Take care and have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro XX
Last day of school !
You would have so much fun because always on the last day of you have parties and eat food and dance π also watch films .it would be the whole day full of children having the best time ever !!!So children and adults would have fun so should celebrate the end of school I say yes :-)!!ββπ»ππππ»πππ
Hi Evie,
A good idea for a festival and this is something you would have been enjoying soon!
I am gutted that we won’t be able to do this.
Mrs Millard XX
My festival will take place at summer or sunny days because if its cold they wont come. everyone will be able to come. They will havd good behaviour or they’ll get kicked out. You can bring any food. It will go on for 1 week a year.
Hi Declan,
I good idea!
Don’t forget your capital letters at the beginning of sentences though. Can you spot 2 apostrophes that you missed in your first sentence?
Mrs Millard XX
I dont get the maths
Hi Declan,
Which part of the Maths don’t you understand? You need to be specific so that I can help. The decimals work is mostly revision.
Mrs Millard XX
So my festival will be about Covid19 ending and there will be a 1min silence for the people who lost there lives and loved ones. There will be a bonfire with roasted marsh mellows with KFC and other beverages like drinks and pizza .Then there will be a stage for people to tell about the lives of who the people that past away and at the end we will give everyone a piece of a cake and hope that they will have a good day.
Hi Dan,
A good idea for a festival! I would definitely come.
Is your second ‘there’ in the first sentence spelt correctly?
Mrs Millard XX
Good morning Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro.
I would tell my parents and not click on it . It could have a virus and take all my details.
The end of covid – 19
This event will take place once every year. It will remind us that we were stuck inside and remember the 40,000 + people that passed away and the ones that risked their lives looking after them. The whoe of the united kingdoms community will celebrate. The event will be celebrated by clapping, rainbows in our windows and street parties.People will be happy and joyful to be celebrating , that they made it through lockdown. The celebration will be held on the day lockdown is officially over. There will be no specific food as neighbours bring a tray of food to the party . There will be something for everyone. The celebrations will last the day, as there will be bouncy castles and games for everyone.
Hi Lydia,
Good ICT advice!
I loved your idea for a celebration – a very well deserved one that I know everyone would enjoy.
Mrs Millard XX
I will ask a parent if it is safe
Good advice Alex!
Mrs Millard XX
You shouldn’t enter it could be a scam.
Good advice Dhanshri.
Mrs Millard XX
I got all the maths right
Well done you! You have done well with our Time work this week Dhanshri.
Mrs Millard XX
I had a festival on Christmas . so for there restaurant that had hot chocolate , pizza , fish and chips , bear , wine , coke water , milk , meat and veggie tables . there will all so be festivals with singing , dances , magic and some cool talent . if you wanted to sleep here you will need to get a tent . there was also bars if you wanted to hang out with your friends . you can also go to stores and buy some stuff
Hi Alex,
A good idea Alex but isn’t Christmas already celebrated?
Don’t forget your capital letters and full stops.
Mrs Millard XX
Miss Leaming I don’t understand all of the question but I have tried the ones I understand
1. 112
3. 7.1
5 Ascending means smallest to largest
and descending means largest to smallest
Challenge 3
the value of the blue square is 20
Challenge 4
The perimeter is 106
Hi Dan,
It’s Mrs Millard – I have been doing the blogs full time for some time now!
Tell me what you don’t understand so that I can help – the answers were also there for you to check.
Check question 3 and double check the perimeter on Challenge 4.
Mrs Millard XX
1. The blue square is 20.
2. the perimeter is 160.
3. The empty can weight is 0.4.
4. the arrow went left.
Hi Alex,
Good answers to Challenge 4 and 6. Check the perimeter in Challenge 4 and Challenge 6 asked you for the angle.
Mrs Millard XX