Week commencing 29.06.2020 – Monkey Puzzle

Hello children,

We hope that you are all doing well! Hope the weekend has been lovely and you are ready for another fun packed week! This week we would like you to look at the story of Monkey Puzzle. If you have the book Monkey Puzzle at home great, if you do not then you can either watch Mrs Whitestone read it on Tapestry or here is a version of Monkey Puzzle on youtube if you follow the link:

  1. In the story of monkey puzzle, the monkey loses his Mummy. How do you think he feels? Who helps the monkey find his Mummy? Do you think the butterfly is being helpful?  Why do you think the butterfly keeps getting it wrong?
  2. The monkey gets lost and cannot find his Mummy. What would happen if you got lost? Who could help you? (adult to prompt).  If you were worried who could you talk to in school?  Who would you talk to at home?
  3. I am going to give you some clues and I want to see if you can guess which animal I am talking about. I have put three pictures of the animals below, point to the one you think I might be talking about. The clues for this animal is I am a great grey hunk and a curly trunk and I have great baggy knees. Which animal am I talking about?
  4. Here are the clues for the next animal. I slither about and hiss, I curl around a nest of eggs and I don’t have any legs. Which animal am I talking about?
  5. Here are the clues for the last animal. I have a beak, I squawk and squabble and squeak, I have claws and feathery wings.


6. When the monkey found his Mummy he felt very happy! Can you tell me a time when you have done something with your family that has made you very happy?  Can you think of a time when you celebrated something? 

7. Butterflies have beautiful patterns on their wings which are the same on both sides. Can you make a pattern? You could draw a picture of a butterfly and make the same pattern on both wings? Or using a large piece of paper can you paint on one side and then fold the paper in half? What happens? Another way of creating patterns is using items from around the home. Here are two pictures of patterns Mrs Webb created at home which can give you some ideas of how to create patterns.

9. Can you retell the story of monkey puzzle? (adult to share book).  What happens first?  Then what happens? Next…. 

We hope that you enjoy all these activities. Remember to keep on posting all your lovely photos and videos onto Tapestry. We really do enjoy seeing them!

Take care of yourselves and we look forward to seeing you soon!

Mrs Webb, Mrs Crane and Mrs Allen

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