Home Learning Tasks 26th June 2020

Good morning Year 2!  It’s Friday again! You’ve made it to the end of another week! Well done and be proud of yourselves! Don’t forget to look out for the well done post this afternoon. Your name will be proudly displayed for all to see if you have left us comments on the blog or emailed us with your work this week.

Hve a fantastic, fabulous Friday!

Miss Battams and Miss Duncan.

English Writing.

This week you have been reading about Ronald the Rhino. Today we would like you to write a letter to Ronald. We would like you to tell him what makes him special. we would then like you to tell him why you are special. What special skills and talents do you have? You need to include the following:

  • Capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Full sentences that make sense and flow togther so that your writing is easy to read and understand.
  • Plenty of details in your sentences. Remember in year 2 we need to include lots of great vocabulary and information in our writing to reach our targets.
  • Your letter should include conjunctions to extend your sentences and add more information. These are words like because, and, so, if, or, but. They need to join two sentences together not just add an extra word on the end.

    This is the correct use of and as a conjunction: I wanted to go to the park and take a walk around the lake.
    This is an incorrect use of and as a conjunction: I wanted to go to the park and walk.


Something a little different today. To reach our maths targets in Year 2 we need to be able to read different scales. sometimes with the dividing measures missing. These measures can go up in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s. Here are some for you to practice. You may need to look carefully to work out what the scales increase by.


Common Exception Words.

Here are a couple of common exception words practices for you to complete. It is really important we can read and spell these year 2 words ready for moving on into year 3.


Something a little different today. You might like to learn about and have a go at coding. Click on this link to find the task.


Remember to stay safe online and tell an adult if you see anything that upsets you or unknown people try to contact you. Also remember not to click on anything that pops up on your screen.



This week is the start of the Lings Virtual Sports Day week! You can earn house points by completing tasks at home and sending your scores and videos to the year two email or to PE@lingsprimary.org,uk.
For more information, videos of each day’s task and to get your score sheet for the week, please see the separate post on the Year 2 blog page. Good luck!!



You could read a story from the online book collection. These are the books we use in school. Your child should know what colour book band they are in. We would suggest blue or green as a starting point and choosing a higher or lower band if needed. Remember, to be considered to be reading fluently your child should be able to answer questions and show understanding of what they have just read, not just be able to read the words easily.

Log in using these details:
Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk
Password: Parents20!

It would be great if you could continue to read and take part in the School’s Summer Reading Challenge that is being run by the local libraries. For more information or to register please go to https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/

One thought on “Home Learning Tasks 26th June 2020

  • 26th June 2020 at 3:29 pm

    Zion Foster
    Lings Primary School
    72 Lings Way
    NN3 7BB

    Friday 26th June 2020

    Dear Ronald,

    How are you, hope you are well. I thought i would write a letter to you, to let you know i think you are a very special Rhino. I am jealous of you because you are big and strong. You have a beautiful horn, you eat very healthy food. If only i could be the same as you eating healthy i think my parents would be happy with me. You have beautiful skin colour, it is not the colour of the skin other animals or people look at, it is the beauty within you. My mummy and daddy, tell me tat i am special as well. Would you like to know why Ronald. Couple of months ago, i had to have 3 operations. I had a very bad infection which was in my arm, then i had to have a lot of medicine to make me better again. I can run and play in the park with my big sister and friends. Ronald we are both very special people and animal.

    Okay, i have to go now as mummy and my big sister is waiting for me. I told them, i was finishing writing this letter to you so we can go in the park to have a good run around and play football.

    Write back soon Ronald, take care.



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