Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Friday 19th June
Hi Year 2
It’s the end of another fantastic week of home learning!
Here are today’s learning activities.
English – Reading
Watch the whole short film.
Answer the following questions:
- Where do you think the ‘Shadow Serpent’ lives and why?
- How did the Dreamgiver save the astronaut?
- What happened to the ‘Shadow Serpent’?
English – Writing
After watching the short film, where do you think the Dreamgiver lives?
In full sentences and using adjectives, describe where the Dreamgiver lives.
*why do you think he lives there?
*does he live alone?
*what does his alone?
*what does it look and smell like?
Use your imagination!
Sounds-Write Phonics – Focus sound /air/ spelling <eir>
Review – read the following Year 2 common exception words: sure, father, told, fast child.
Read: their, (discuss this meaning of their and how it differs to there), heir, where, there , careful, share
Write : their, pair, where, there, fairly
Speed Read: stairs, dare, repair, fairy, care, their, share, pair, fairly, where, swear, bear, there, tear, haircut, fairy
Maths – Basic Skills
If I start at 12 and count in 3’s to 33, will I say the number 21?
How do you know?
Maths – Tasks
Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks nine times.
Can you write the following Year 2 Common Exception Words joined up at least six times? Remember to leave a finger space.
* sure
* father
* told
* fast
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.
Watch the story ‘God’s Gifts to People’.
This story encourages us to appreciate and be grateful for the things that people do for us.
In the story the king invited all the poor and homeless people because the original people didn’t bother going.
Draw a picture of somebody you know doing something you are grateful for, for example the grown ups in your home cooking your dinner.
PSHE/Online Safety
Discuss the question with a grown up at home.
Enjoy this story for story time.
Remember to leave us a comment on the blog to share your learning or you can email it to us at
As teachers are back in school teaching we won’t be able to always answer comments on the blogs or reply to emails about your fantastic learning on the same day. Even though we might not respond right away please know we are seeing your work and are very proud of you so please still show us.
We look forward to seeing your work!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Duncan and Miss Battams
Hello Miss Battams
Today’s maths
Question 1
5 X 7 = 40 6 X 2 = 12 < 7 X 2 = 14 10 / 2 = 5 < 12 / 2 = 6
Question 2
20 More boys than girls
Question 3
The number is 20
From Elliot
Well Done!
Miss Duncan
Hi Miss Battams
Online safety:
I would Tell my friend that we are not old enough. so i would not do it. i would also tell my pareants straight away.
1. Where do you think the ‘Shadow Serpent’ lives and why? The shadow lives in the cave, because it is dark and nobody will come in there.
2. How did the Dreamgiver save the astronaut? He saved the astronaut by throwing the eggs to the half black panther and dinosaur. When the eggs crack, it grows branches and wraps the shadow into it.
3. What happened to the ‘Shadow Serpent’? He was trapped and then after years he became a statue and grew a tree on top of him.
1. Why do you think he lives there? I think he lives in there, because he stays away from humans.
2. Does he live alone? Yes he does live a lone as there was no-one else with him in the cave.
3. What does his alone? He likes to live alone as he doesn’t want to make friends.
4. What does it look and smell like? He looks like half like a Pantha and a dinosaur.
If I start at 12 and count in 3’s to 33, will I say the number 21? Yes, because when you count in 3’s you get to 21.
Well Done!
Miss Duncan