Year 3 – Wednesday 17th June 2020

Good morning everyone!

Thank you again for joining in with and completing the daily tasks on the blog.

If you are having a go at the tasks on paper or in books then do let us know what you’ve completed by commenting at the bottom of the page or email us some pictures of your work on

You might be in with a chance of a certificate on Friday!

Also, don’t forget to sign up the summer reading challenge by going to:

We will be putting a variety of things for you to read on the blog every day. It doesn’t just have to be a book. It can be a comic, recipe, website, or a newspaper.


Here are today’s tasks:


Follow the link to the BBC bitesize lesson.

Remind yourself of yesterday’s work.

Watch the video and complete activity 3 and 4.



Follow the link to the BBC bitesize lesson.

Click through the learn section and then complete activity 1 and 2.


Maths challenge



Follow the link and watch the video.

Pay close attention to the four different types of plant and their features.

Once you’ve watched the video, go into your garden or when you’re next out on a walk see if you can spot the four different types of plant.

Split a piece of paper in 4, with each category at the top: flowering plants, conifers, ferns and mosses and think of a few examples to put in each section.


Finished? Have a go at these activities too…


Word search

Yesterday’s answers:

Today’s problem:



Anagrams are when the letters of a word are all jumbled up and it’s your job to work out what it is meant to say. So for example: ‘umpj’ would be ‘jump’.

Today there is a kitchen theme. Can you work out what these anagrams are?

For an extra bonus point – the highlighted letters spell out a characters name from one of these books. Answers will be revealed tomorrow.

Yesterday’s answers:

Today’s problems:


Look, cover, write, check

This is a spelling game to help you keep on top of those tricky words you need to know when you’re in Year 3 and 4.

Select your year group and then choose between patterns or tricky words. 


Story Time

This week, we will be carrying on with some of Charlotte’s web but some days we may have something a little bit different for you. Today we’re going to be carrying on with Charlotte’s web.

3 thoughts on “Year 3 – Wednesday 17th June 2020

  • 17th June 2020 at 10:32 am

    Maths challenge

  • 17th June 2020 at 2:07 pm

    Maths challenge:
    16:45 or 15 mins to 5 pm

    Activity 3
    The cat sat on the mat.
    The Rat danced on the mat.
    The mouse ran on the mat.
    The mat is over the cat.
    Activity 4:
    The cat sat on a dirty mat.
    Then the Rat danced on the mat.
    1 min the mouse ran on the mat
    Then….. Everyone played on the mat.


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