Monday 15th June – Year 1
Good Morning Year 1,
We hope that you looking forward to another fantastic week of home learning! Before you get stuck in, here is an online safety warm-up activity for you to have a go at:
(Click above to visit the site and download the colouring pages. If you don’t have a printer – don’t worry! You could draw your own Smartie and write a speech bubble about how to stay safe online.)
Here are your first set of activities for the week:
- Sounds-Write Phonics
- Reading/Writing
Let’s read some more of our story, The Tin Forest …
Read The Tin Forest up to ‘the birds dropped seeds … through to the earth’.
Now we would like you to research what grows from seeds and how seeds grow. Work with an adult to use the internet to find some interesting facts and information about seeds. You can create an information sheet about seeds using the information that you have gathered.
- Maths
Challenge: Can you find the total number of pence/pounds? And the total amount of all of the coins?
Enjoy your activities … Work hard … Have fun!
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )