Wednesday 10th June – Year 1
Happy Hump Day Year 1,
It’s Wednesday, so it is time for a singsong …
We hope that you feel happier after singing those songs!
Here are today’s activities:
- Sounds-Write Phonics
- Reading/Writing
Let’s read some more of our story, The Tin Forest …
Do you remember what The Old Man was dreaming of every night?
‘Not the forest of his dreams but a forest all the same’
What does this phrase mean?
How was the forest made?
Write some words/phrases down to describe how the forest grew.
- Maths
What does the word ‘fewer’ mean?
Can you record all of the possible answers to the above question.
Repeat activity: The number has 3 tens and fewer than 5 ones.
Have an amazing day,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )