Pre-School home learning week commencing 8th June

Good morning everyone, we hope you had a lovely weekend.  This week we are looking forward to welcoming some of you back into pre-school and we will continue to support those of you who are carrying on their learning at home.

This week we are going to look at the life cycle of the frog.

1. Draw or paint a picture of a frog. What colours do you need? Talk to someone about the picture.

2. Can you complete the life of the frog. What is first, second, third and finally?

3. Can you continue a pattern using resources from the environment?  for example, stone, stick, leaf, stone, stick, leaf

Can you create a pattern outside?

Notes for parents or teachers

This week we are looking at pattern language. The key words we will be using are matching, pattern, first, next, last, the same, different, repeat, colour, shape.

Make repeating patterns with toys, food or natural objects found outside.
Can you continue a pattern started by someone else?
Can you copy their pattern somewhere else?
Can you create the same pattern with different objects?
You could invent a letter or number code to represent your pattern.

4. Listening and Remembering Sounds in the environment.

This is a listening activity that can take place indoors or outdoors. Remind the children about the things that good listeners do (e.g. keep quiet, have ears and eyes ready). Invite the children to show you how good they are at listening and talk about why listening carefully is important. Encourage the children to listen attentively to the sounds around them. Talk about the different sounds they can hear. The children could use ‘cupped ears’ or make big ears on headbands to wear as they go on the listening walk. After the children have enjoyed a listening walk indoors or outdoors, make a list of all the sounds they can remember.

5. While out for a walk what is the weather like? Can you tell the adult what you need to wear for the weather?
Can you draw a picture of the weather today?

6. Watch the story of the tadpole on tapestry.

Also the tweeny weeny tab pole on you tube

7. Share a book can you help retell the story.

8. Play the bean game

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