Wednesday 20th May – Year 5

Good morning Year 5 – Mrs Millard again!

I hope you are all O.K. – we are missing you all so much!

Well done to our super bloggers and e mailers yesterday: Lydia, Tanisa, Evie, Jessica, Dan, Sadia, Dhanshri, Aamirat, Alex and Zain.

Well done also to those who cracked the Maths code – Lydia, Sadia, Dhanshri and Alex.

Finally, a jolly well done for those of you who completed all 3 tasks yesterday – Tanisa and Sadia.

Here is your learning for today:


You have revised using inverted commas this week and I’d like you to use them in a story. You can write your story about whatever you like, choose which characters you like and base it in the setting of your choice – many of you have wonderful imaginations so you can go as wild as you like.

Because you are using inverted commas, there needs to obviously be some dialogue between characters at numerous points in the story – some of the conversations can be longer as this will allow you to show off your knowledge of how to use inverted commas accurately.

Remember that the amount that you write should be equivalent to what you would write in an extended writing lesson in school – don’t forget the paragraphs!

I’m looking forward to reading your stories.


Today, we are going to finish off our work on angles and look at some reasoning questions. Have a go at the following:




4) The compass in Question 1 will help you here. It might be helpful to draw it on another piece of paper so that it is in front of you.

Here is an example for you:

If I start at NW and turn clockwise to SE, I have turned through 180 degrees – I know this because it is a straight line. If I turned the same but anticlockwise, it would be exactly the same. 

Your partner could be someone at home that you can discuss this with first before you put it on the blog. You should complete at least 3 examples.


I want you to follow the link below:

This is a video taught by a teacher and look at the question ‘What is light and where does it come from?’

I want you to make notes as your watch it and then blog exactly what you learnt.

Take care,


Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro XX

29 thoughts on “Wednesday 20th May – Year 5

  • 20th May 2020 at 11:36 am

    Once there was a young girl named Jasmine.She was the kind of person who loved to play with her friends.
    One day she was going to see one of her friends but suddenly she saw something sparkle in front of her. She ran towards it and she saw an emerald green door,once she opened the door she saw a dashing light, suddenly she felt like she was floating in the air. Then as quick as a flash the light took her into another dimension.
    Jasmine had dizzy spells from all the spinning.
    She fell onto the ground. Someone came from behind her and said
    ‘‘ Are you ok ?”
    ”Who are you?” asked Jasmine.
    ”I am Mr Odd, that is what everyone calls me.” said the odd looking creature.
    ”Hello Mr Odd, I’m Jasmine.” She gasped.
    At the beginning Jasmine felt scared to talk to Mr Odd.But then realised his very friendly.
    Mr Odd started showing her around the dimension,people started chasing Mr Odd because the enemies didnt like Mr odd. Jasmine was kicked out of there for not being from their dimension and from that moment she never got to go back in there ever again. The next day she plot a plan to try and break into the dimension. She spent the whole day trying to think of something and then BOOM a plan came into mind.

    She was going to knock on the door and tell Mr Odd that she wants to be his friend. So she went to the door and knocked and said that she will be his friend if no one else will.
    Mr Odd said ”That will be fantastic!”
    and then Mr Odd let her in and they started chatting and they then became really good friends .

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:28 pm

      Thank you Sadia,

      You’ve used inverted commas well. Don’t forget other punctuation – a comma before ‘she gasped’.

      Don’t forget punctuation in the first paragraph – the final sentence needs commas and the sentence before is rather long.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 11:53 am

    1. 1 of a turn 360 reflex angle
    2. 1/4 of a turn right angle 90
    3. North 1/4 right angle
    4. 45 acute angle 1/8 of a turn

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:30 pm

      Hi Sadia,

      1) What do you mean by ‘1 of a turn’?

      Is this all question 1?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 11:59 am

    I’ve learnt that transparent means you can see light through it and that opaque means you cant see light through it

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:31 pm

      Well done – you’ve missed an apostrophe and capital letter. Do you know where?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 12:53 pm


    1. 360 degrees ,complete angle, a whole
    2. 90 degrees,right angle, a quarter
    3.180 degrees, straight angle,a half
    4. 45 degrees, acute angle, 1 eighth

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:32 pm

      Thanks Dhanshri – is this all question 1?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 12:58 pm

    Section 2 maths

    45 and 79 because they are both an acute angle.
    270 because it’s a reflex angle.
    180 because it’s a straight angle.

    Section 3

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:35 pm

      Thanks Dhanshri,

      Good answer for question 2.

      On question 3, do your answers change depending on whether you turn clockwise or anticlockwise?

      Mrs Millard XX

      • 20th May 2020 at 3:16 pm

        Sorry it should be sometimes,sometimes and sometimes

        • 20th May 2020 at 5:26 pm

          Well done!

  • 20th May 2020 at 1:08 pm

    Once there was house and living in that house was a family they were happy.One day their dad had a football match to go since he played football his family came to give support “dads team is winning ” shouted Dylan.Mum said “stop shouting already and watch the match and if you keep saying he is winning that will bring bad luck on the team.”Then after they started cheering on Lexi exclaimed”The scoreboard says dads team has started loosing””Dylan this is all your fault how many times do I have to tell you don’t celebrate to soon.”

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:38 pm

      Thanks Aamirat,

      Have you used paragraphs?

      You have used inverted commas quite well but look at the last piece of speech where Lexi is talking. Why are there double inverted commas after the word ‘loosing’? If she keeps talking, you only needs inverted commas at the end.
      Also, remember other speech punctuation – like a comma before/after said.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 1:54 pm

    Ones there was a boy called Kakorot , he was strong, rich, kind and helpful . He had a joyfull family and good friends .

    One day he went to the forest to get fire wood, and he met a wild man who had a bow .
    “Who are you? ” Asked fearfully kakorot .
    ” I’m Mr Potato! ” answered nicely the old man .
    ” Who are you little boy? ” Asked Mr Potato.
    The boy was silent for a seconds then he replied .
    “I’m kakorot ” answered the boy , looking at the bow.
    Mr Potato ,saw how the boy was enchanted by the bow, so he thought of giving it to him.
    “The bow is yours !” said the man kindly.
    “Thank you very much!” the boy replied very happily .

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:41 pm

      Thank you Alex – you have used inverted commas well.

      Check your first and second piece of speech – does this sound better?

      “Who are you?” asked Kakorot fearfully.
      “I’m Mr Potato!” answered the old man nicely.

      Well done for using better words for ‘said’ as this makes your writing more interesting.

      Mrs Millard Xx

  • 20th May 2020 at 2:07 pm

    180 because it is half a circle.
    270 because that is a reflex angle
    45 and 79 are acute angles


    • 20th May 2020 at 2:42 pm

      Thank you Aamirat,

      On question 2, would your answers change depending on whether you turn clockwise or anticlockwise?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 2:49 pm

    Light is produced from light sources such as a lamb , a candle or the sun. light travels away from a light source until it meets an object . When something blocks light traveling from a source , a shadow is made.

    • 20th May 2020 at 2:54 pm

      Light is produced from light sources such as a lamp , a candle or the Sun. Light travels away from a light source until it meets an object . When something blocks light traveling from a source , a shadow is made.

    • 20th May 2020 at 5:26 pm

      Well done Alex.

      Did you mean lamb or lamp?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 3:11 pm

    One dark and gloomy day, this girl called Olivia was waiting for a very important letter. She was waiting and waiting for days and tomorrow it’s going to finally arrive. The next day,Olivia found the letter on her door step and read it aloud
    ” dear Olivia May you have been accepted in the dark hall a boarding school with miths ghost and more. You have been accepted because you have a terrible report so we hope to see you soon.”read Olivia with shock.She was disappointed and heart broken so she told her parents.
    ” Mom dad I got accepted to dark hall the boarding school!” Olivia explained.
    ” WHAT how come you got all A’s!” Screamed her mom.
    ” I know please forgive me.” Begged Olivia.
    ” Sorry darling I can’t do anything about it.” Said mom in sorrow.Suddenly, Olivia got a text message so she read it.
    ” Hi Olivia what’s up sorry but I pranked you your not going dark hall.” explained her friend Brooke. She was relieved it just was a very convincing prank.

    • 20th May 2020 at 5:29 pm

      Thanks Dhanshri,

      You have used inverted commas well.

      Double check where you’ve written ‘Begged Olivia’ and ‘Said mom in sorrow’. It should be a commas before these and not a full stop.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 3:15 pm

    Hello Mrs Millard ill write the story on paper and put it in my folder 😉

    • 20th May 2020 at 5:29 pm

      Thanks Dan.

  • 20th May 2020 at 4:11 pm

    Hello Mrs Millard,

    NW to NW clockwise, 360°, full circle, full turn
    SW to SE anti-clockwise, 90°, right angle, 1/2 turn
    SW to NE clockwise, 180°, obtuse angle,1/2 turn
    NE to E, 45°, acute angle, 1/8 turn

    79° is the odd one out because 180° is 1/2, 45° is 1/8, 270° is 3/4

    1. Sometimes because clockwise is 90° and anticlockwise is 270°
    2. Always because if you go clockwise or anti-clockwise the angle is bigger than 90°.
    3. Never because clockwise is 315° and anticlockwise it is 45°.



    *Form of energy
    *Travels from a source
    *travels in a straight line
    examples of light sources are: Sun,torch,match,stars,fire,firefly,candle and a light bulb.
    *light bulbs,matches and a candle all have to be hot to give off light.

    Reflection is were light bounces off of an object to cause a reflection.

    • 20th May 2020 at 5:32 pm

      Hi Lydia,

      Good answer to question 2 of your Maths – well done for making the link to fractions.
      Question 2 – well done for thinking about moving in an anticlockwise direction as well as clockwise.

      Good Science learning.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 20th May 2020 at 4:42 pm

    There was a egg that was nice and cozy then in 6 months it hatches it was a baby boy with 2 little sisters and 1 big sister and 1 big brother and a mother. And his big brother and sister fight eachother to train their fighting skills and we were a perfect T-rex family but we hated spinosaurs. He was a horrible dinosaur that ever livedthen 1 day a stampede happend and then we found out the spinosaurs had a group and was chasing alot of dinos then I saw him knock over a ankylosaur and said “Were is the mother rex!” shouted spino. I was horrified, scared and worried and ran to my mother and said “Mama spinosaurs is trying to find you!” so she ran down to fight spino my mother was winning with my brother and sister.And my brother and sister pushed the other 2 spinos off the cliff i got happy. Until i saw that spinosaurs I was talking about pushed my mother of the cliff i was heart broken then killed my brother and sister me and my little sisters were scared and crying so we decided to spy on spino and see how he kills his pray. After 1 year passed we all knew how we can kill him. Then 10 years passed me and my sisters were adults then i found a friend her name was blue eyes because her eyes were blue and she was beautifil and she said “Are you lost?” she said “No but thank you for asking.”I replied then 10 years later me and my sisters and friend were fighting the spinosaurs we were on a cliff but i didn’t want to die. Like my mother and I roared in anger and screamed “You killed my mother!” I ran up to the spino and was trying to throw him off the cliff he clawed my eye out and then i had no eye i was bleeding then a bit my neck and hit my head against a tree i fainted but i still heard what happend I tried to open my eye and I saw i heard this “You knocked my brother out now i will kill you!” shouted my sister. Then i witnessed my 2 sisters getting thrown of the cliff I tried to get up and save my friend but my leg was injered. Then when he scratched blue eyes that made me rage I got up and charged at spino and once i throwed him off he broke his spine he nearly died he just had to heal then me and blue eyes had 2 children but then we all got lost then found alot of raptors they killed blue eyes then i screamed “No!” in saddnes then we found a another cliff i told the kids “Stay near me okay kids.”i told them then we kept on walking then we found broken spino I called him that because his spine was broken then he bit 1 of my child then threw him into the water and he got eaten by the megalodon then i said “No!!!” in saddnes then i screamed “I will kill you!!!” In pure rage the i knocked him into the water but the blood coming from my missing eye mad the megalodon come and attacked us. I pushed broken spinosaurs into the jaws of the mega shark i fainted in the water my child hopped on me then we made it onto land so then we lived happly ever after.

    • 20th May 2020 at 5:33 pm

      Thanks Zain – I thought your story might involve dinosaurs!
      You’ve written a lot and thought about our work on inverted commas – well done.

      Mrs Millard XX


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