Friday 15th May 2020 – Home Learning Tasks

Good morning Year 2!  It’s the end of another week and you’ve done great again! Here are your learning tasks for today. Have a fabulous Friday!

MIss Battams and MIss Duncan 🙂

English Reading.

Here is the last little bit of the story for this week. Have a read and then try to answer the questions about the text. You should try to answer in full sentences and not just single words as that is the year 2 expectation.

If you would like to open the text on a larger screen or print it please click this link Alice ending

  1. What does Alice get blamed for doing?
  2. Who is the judge in the court Alice has to go to?
  3. How do you infer alice feels when she goes to the court?
  4. What does the Queen call out angrily?
  5. When Alice wakes up and tells her sister about her dream, what do you think her sister thinks and why?


English Writing.

Using your story plan you created yesterday, can you write your own short story about an adventure in a fantasy world?

Your story should include:

  • A clear beginning, middle and ending. Each of these section should be a few sentences long and should encourage your reader to contnue reading until the end. You should add as much detail and information as you can.
  • Adjectives to describe your setting and characters. We add an adjective to the noun to add more description for our reader.

For example: The nervous girl, the creepy woods, the chirping birds

  • Conjunctions (because, and, so, when, but, or) to extend your sentences to include more detail. This is a Year 2 expectation.

For example: The nervous girl wasn’t sure if she should try to go around the river or try to jump over it.


The nervous girl decided not to try to jump over the river because the river was too wide for her to get over.


The nervous girl made sure her shoe laces were tied up tight so that she wouldn’t trip over them.  


The nervous girl felt even more afraid when she saw the deep, cold river ahead.


The nervous girl took a deep breath and jumped as high as she could into the high.      


The nervous girl felt unsure she would reach the other side of the river but she tried to jump across anyway.

  • Verbs and adverbs to tell us what characters and doing and how they are doing them

For example: The nervous girl jumped carefully over the river.

You should try to use punctuation, finger spaces and you should try to keep your handwriting neat. We look forward to reading your stories!



This week we are continuing with a recap of addition looking at some of the different strategies and tasks we have used in class to teach this operation. You should solve the word problems by writing down the calculation you need to solve and recording your working out. Remember, some questions you get extra points for showing how you solved the problem so this is a skill we should practice even if we already know the answer. For these questions you need to draw the resources you need. You can use any of the methods we have practised this week to solve the calculations, but you should be able to show us how you have worked it out and not just write down the answer to the question. The last question looks at the link between addition and subtraction.

  1. Max has 15 sweets and Adam has 13 sweets. How any sweets do they have altogether?
  2. Sam’s dog has 19 spots and Alice’s dog has 17 spots. How many spots are there altogether?
  3. Class 1 has 29 children and class 2 has 28 children. How many children are there altogether?
  4. If there are 37 books on one book case and 53 books on another, how many books are there?
  5. Emma has 52p and Imogen has 45p. They put their money together. How much do they have to spend?
  6. A bag contains 68 sweets. If the bag splits and 24 fall out onto the floor, how many sweets would be left in the bag?



It is important that we practice spelling phonetic sounds in all of the different ways they can be written. It helps us to read and write words that they are in several times so you should follow all the steps to help you practice.

We are going to focus on the sound ‘o’ pronounced ‘o’ as in hot. There are 2 different spellings of this sound. These have both been taught to your child in school already. This sound can be spelt as:

o as in hot
a as in want

Can you read these words with the sound ‘l?
hopping, wanted, oblong, was, topper, opposite

Can you write the words below thinking about which spelling of the sound they have? Ask an adult to read the word for you to so you can try to spell it. Remember there is one word for each spelling of the sound so you can’t use the same spelling more than once.
wand, potting, wander, hotter, wasn’t, lottery

Can you get somebody to read these sentences outloud to you. Can you write the sentence down thinking carefully about the spellings of the words?

The old man wanted to hop along the road opposite the shops but it was too hot. He wandered along the street to buy a plant pot but the one he wanted was sold out.   


Common Exception Word Spellings.

This week we will be taking another focussed look at these spellings as it is very important we can all read and spell these. Today the words have been spelt incorrectly. These are sometimes how we see them spelt in your books! Can you correct the spellings. You have the list of works in the front of your reading record book that you can use to help you.
clars                       moov

shud                      bizee

miund                   missiz

ownlee                  evree

byootiful               grars

proov                    wud

perunts                 peepul



Earlier this week we asked you to have a think about how wonderful and unique you are. You are a very special person and there is nobody else in the world who is the same as you.

Can you complete these sentences showing what makes you so wonderful?

As you are year 2 we would like you to wrote your answers NOT draw them.


Story Time

For story time today you could watch a short version of our stroy of the week, Alice in Wonderland. We hope you enjoy it!


10 thoughts on “Friday 15th May 2020 – Home Learning Tasks

  • 15th May 2020 at 12:51 pm


    1. What does Alice get blamed for doing? Alice gets blamed for the stolen
    2.Who is the judge in the court Alice has to go to? The King is the judge.
    3.How do you infer Alice feels when she goes to the court? I think Alice feels worried.
    4.What does the Queen call out angrily? The Queen calls out angrily
    “Off with her head”.
    5.When Alice wakes up and tells her sister about her dream, what do you
    think her sister thinks and why? Her sister will not believe Alice because it
    sounds silly.


    The Amazing World Of Dinosaurs
    Millions of years ago, when the dinosaurs lived there 3 dinosaurs called T.rex, Velociraptor and Brachiosaurus they all lived very happily as nothing would disturbed them. One month later, there was a big interruption as humans found a way to build a time machine that would take them back in time to when the dinosaurs lived. They all wanted a specimen of the dino’s as they were beautiful creators. But the dino’s fought back and won back there land. THE END


    1. Max has 15 sweets and Adam has 13 sweets. How any sweets do they have altogether? 28 sweets all together.
    2. Sam’s dog has 19 spots and Alice’s dog has 17 spots. How many spots are there altogether? 36 spots.
    3. Class 1 has 29 children and class 2 has 28 children. How many children are there altogether? 57 children.
    4. If there are 37 books on one book case and 53 books on another, how many books are there? 90 books.
    5. Emma has 52p and Imogen has 45p. They put their money together. How much do they have to spend? 97p altogether.
    6. A bag contains 68 sweets. If the bag splits and 24 fall out onto the floor, how many sweets would be left in the bag? 44 sweets.

    • 15th May 2020 at 7:14 pm

      Good wrok Zion, well done. Miss Battams 🙂

  • 15th May 2020 at 1:07 pm

    Max15 sweet+Adam13 sweet=28sweet. Dog Sam 19 spots+dog Alice17 spots=36spots……………29children class1+29children class2=57 children…..,,,53 books+37books=90books…….Ema52p+Imogem45=97p……..68sweet~24sweet=44sweet

    • 15th May 2020 at 7:14 pm

      Great work Izabela. Miss Battams 🙂

  • 15th May 2020 at 1:20 pm

    1.Alice gets blamed for stealing the Queen’s tarts
    2. The King is the judge in the court
    3. I think Alice will be scared and hurt when she goes to court because she didn’t do it
    4. The Queen shouts off with her head!
    5. I think Alice’s sister thinks, Alice you are crazy!

    • 15th May 2020 at 7:13 pm

      Good work Kaya, well done. Miss Battams 🙂

  • 15th May 2020 at 1:42 pm

    1) Alice gets blamed for stealing the jam tarts from the kitchen.
    2) The King is the judge.
    3) I infer Alice is angry because she didn’t steal the jam tarts.
    4) The Queen shouts “off with her head”.
    5) I think her sister says “wow, that was a really good dream you had Alice”. I don’t think Alice’s sister believes her because it was just a dream.

    • 15th May 2020 at 7:13 pm

      Good work Elliot, Well done Miss Battams 🙂

  • 15th May 2020 at 3:20 pm

    1, Alice get’s blamed by stealing the tarts from the kitchen in the palace.
    2, The judge in the court is the King.
    3, I infer that Alice feels afraid when she goes to the court.
    4, The Queen call out angrily off with her head.
    5, Alice wakes up on her sister’s lap and tell her about her dream and her sister thinks Alice’s dream was interesting because her sister never heard of Queen of Heart.


    • 15th May 2020 at 7:11 pm

      Well done Candice, Great work. Miss Battams 🙂


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