Year 4 Maths task- Wednesday 13th May
Good morning,
today you are going to need a variety of things from the kitchen such as glasses of water, food you can cut into sizes (cucumber, cheese, cake etc), squash if you have it. Take pictures of you completing today’s practice activity and send them to the year 4 email.
i cant do this my parents dont let me sorry but ill do the next maths well if it isn’t the same as this one
Could you draw what it would like?
i cant do this my parents dont let me
i did it
I can’t do this
Why’s is that Michael?
Mrs B said there’s no cucumbers
Could you use something similar?
I can’t do it as my nan said that i might break a glass.
I don’t how to do it. Because I cut cucumbers into shapes and I put them in the glass of water.
I completed it.
I can’t do this