Reception Home Learning – Thursday 7th May
It’s Thursday already and I feel that we have done lots of great learning this week. Well done to all the children who have sent in pictures of their life cycles and their garden centre shops. We couldn’t finish our week without looking a the life cycle of a robin could we? I say finish the week because tomorrow is a Bank Holiday to celebrate VE day – it is the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe (VE) Day. This is a day, towards the end of World War Two, when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. At that time there were lots of celebrations because people were happy that the war was over. Even though we are having to stay on our houses, some people will still be celebrating but in their houses or maybe front gardens? So tomorrow do still look at the blog because we will be putting up lots of pictures of all your work but we will not be setting any work.
Don’t forget to let us know if you have been home learning at school this week so that we can send your certificates out today! And we also have some special certificates to send today…
So if you have been reading the blog, you will have seen inside my bird box and when the robin started laying her eggs. Then we watched the mummy robin sit on them for about 2 weeks. She laid 5 eggs and 4 hatched. When they were born the little chicks were bare – at this point they are called hatchlings. Then over the next week or so, the mummy and daddy kept coming in and our of the box to feed their noisy hatchlings who grew so quickly and feathers started appearing. At this point they are called nestlings. The mummy and daddy are still feeding them as they are not big enough for fly yet. We will keep watching them and cross our fingers that they all survive.
Here they are as at yesterday afternoon – you will see how much bigger and feathery they are now.
Write and say the sounds – c,o,a,d,g,s – these small letters and start between the 2 lines and your pencil should move anti-clockwise.
Write the sentence – adult to say the sentence and the child to write what they hear:
The red robin sat in the big nest.
Read – Cat’s picnic
Practice saying and writing – sh, ch, qu, ng, th, wh, ck, ai, ay, ee and igh. Remember where to start – is it a tall letter, a small letter or a tail letter? Make sure you move your pencil the right way.
Write the sentence – adult to say the sentence and the child to write what they hear:
The bright green frog swam in the pond.
Read – Cat’s painting –
Practice saying and writing ai, ay, ee, igh, ie, oo, ar, ow, oa, aw. Remember where to start – is it a tall letter, a small letter or a tail letter?
Write the new sound er – 2 letters one sound and er as in her, butter, lighter, herd. Write the words – herd, bigger, harder, kerb, brighter
Write the sentence – adult to say the sentence and the child to write what they hear:
The robin saw a herd of brown cows. The farmer was with them too, Now write your own sentence about the robin.
Read – The Helter Skelter –
Write at least one sentence about what you have enjoyed learning about the most this week? Remember, think what you want to write, say it out loud several times, say the words slowing and write down the sounds you hear, read your work back to check it.
Back to the garden centre! This week we are going to concentrate on consolidating the children’s application of addition and subtraction. Please work at your child’s level. You need pictures or actual items –
Seeds are 1p, flowers are 2p, a pot is 5p and a spade is 10p.
In class we would set the children different calculations depending on whether they were secure in addition, subtraction and counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s. I would suggest that you do this every day this week and see how your child progresses. It doesn’t matter what level they get up to but here’s an example of how we would progress with the children –
I buy some seeds and a flower – how much does that cost? (do lots of permutations of 2 items)
I buy some seeds and a flower and a pot – how much does that cost? (then 3 items)
I buy 2 pots and a flower – how much does that cost?
I buy 2 spades and 5 flowers (begin using larger numbers)
I have 10p and buy a pot. How much change do I need? (addition and subtraction)
I have 10p. I buy 2 flowers and a seed – how much change do I need? (more complicated addition and subtraction)
How many flowers can I buy for 10p (starting counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s)
I have 20p and buy… much change do I need?
Thank you parents for supporting your children – you hard work and effort will means that we will be able to pick up and carry on where we left off whenever we are back! Enjoy the sunshine xx