Monday 4th May – Year 6

Morning Year 6. I hope you are all well and had a good weekend.


Take a minute to look over today’s vocabulary:

Retort – a sharp, angry reply

Exultant – extremely happy

Twinge – a brief experience of an emotion

Awe – a feeling of wonder

Entreating – anxious

Mangled – destroyed or severely damaged

Aperture – an opening, hole or gap


Now read the next part of Deeplight:

Out by the harbour mouth, he had spotted a bald, troubled patch of water, where the waves were invisibly broken on some long submerged bulk. The gulls that had been sitting on the surface above it took off and rose into great, strident clouds, dipping and daring each other. ‘There! See that little white wake? Her periscope’s up!’

Other people were pointing and calling out now. A few seconds later, a small cannon fired, the retort echoing back and forth across the harbour. A white plume of smoke climbed into the sky and then drifted.

The crowd became exultant, deafening. There was always a festival feel when a sub brought a god home. As a little kid, Hark had lived for such moments, eyes wide to store every detail. Just for a moment he felt a twinge of the old excitement and awe.

Then the great submarine’s long, black back broke the surface. Foam poured off the short turret and blade-like fins, and the brass rims of portholes glinted in the sun. The pale, entreating eyes painted on the prow were awash, as though weeping.

‘She’s lost oars,’ Hark muttered, his words drowned by the roar of the crowd. Eight of the oars now ended in fractured stumps.

As the Abysmal Child rose higher, he could see that it had lost more than that. One propeller was gone, and a rear panel hung loose, seawater hissing out of the mangled aperture. The tone of the hubbub changed as others noticed the same thing. The front compartment was presumably still watertight, since someone was alive to pilot the sub, but anyone who had been in the rear would be very, very dead.

The merchant was leaning forward now, spyglass jammed to his eye. Since all of this was a story to tell his friends later, a tragedy was as good as a triumph. Better, perhaps. Stories were ruthless creatures, and sometimes fattened themselves on bloody happenings.

‘Where’s her cargo?’ he asked. ‘Why are people running around on the wharf? What’s going on down there?’

‘The turret’s open!’ Hark provided a commentary. ‘Someone’s come up through it . . . There’s a conversation going on . . . Looks like the governor’s ordered diver boats to go in. There must be something strapped under the sub!’


Now answer these questions:

  • What type of water transport was the Abysmal Child travelling on? How do you know?
  • Why would her periscope be up? (think back to science)
  • Find and copy a group of words that show that at first, the crowd are very excited.
  • How do you know that Hark has experienced this kind of thing before?
  • What is the first piece of evidence that suggests that something is wrong?
  • What do you think might have happened to the boat?
  • Explain how the atmosphere of the story changes from the first half to the second half. Use evidence from the text to support your answer.


This week we are going to recap and extend our knowledge on angles.

Task 1: Can you remember the names of the 4 different angles? How many degrees do they represent?

Now how a look at this PowerPoint. Were you right? Did you remember all of them?

Types of angle Intro

Task 2: Can you remember what angles add up to in the following:

– on a straight line?

– in a triangle?

– in a circle/around a point?

Use this PowerPoint to see if you were right.

Angles in a …

Work through the questions and use this button on the PowerPoint:

To go to a website to keep working on your knowledge of angles before you move on to some more difficult work tomorrow.



I would like you to continue your research and this week I want you to research the following questions:

– What struggles did they face?

– Did they make/use any tools?

– Did they trade with anyone?

– What traditions and beliefs did they have?


Extra task:

May is all about mindfulness and kindness so each day this month, I will be setting a task to be kind to yourself and the people around you.

Today’s task is:

Take a minute to remember what really matters to you and why.

Some ideas:

  • Listen to some music
  • Spend time with your family
  • Take some time to read a book
  • Make a collage of your favourite photographs
  • Look through old diaries/photo albums
  • Face time some one that you are missing



36 thoughts on “Monday 4th May – Year 6

  • 4th May 2020 at 9:26 am

    1 I think the child is traveling by a submarine.
    2 I think her periscope is up so that she could see what is above her.
    3 “the crowed became exultant, deafening”.
    4 because in the text it says “Hark had lived such moments before”.
    5 Hark muttered.
    6 it drowned.
    7 in the first half its calm the crowed was loud and everything was going fine on the second half on the start of one paragraph Hark mutters that she lost oars meaning something is going on.

    • 4th May 2020 at 10:47 am

      Can you give a reason for question 1 Zofia?

  • 4th May 2020 at 9:44 am

    1.A submarine 2.To see whats going on around 3.’The crowd became exultant 4. Because in the text it says ‘hark lived for such moment’ 5. The first piece of evidence that shows something is wrong says ‘The pale, entreating eyes painted on the prow were awash, as though weeping’ this show they are anxious/something wrong. 6. I think the boat may have crashed or been attacked by some sort of ocean animal. 7. It changes because at the beginning everyone is so exited to see what is happening but at the end they come to the conclusion it is a serious situation.

    • 4th May 2020 at 10:48 am

      Can you give a reason for question 1 Ebony?

      • 4th May 2020 at 12:51 pm

        Because in the text it says ‘submarine’which was the only way the child would get to somwhere

  • 4th May 2020 at 9:57 am

    1.I think the Abysmal Child is travelling on a submarine, I think this because in the text it says,” her periscope is up.”
    2.Her periscope is up so she could see what is above the water.
    3.”The crowd became exultant.”
    4. Hark has experienced these things, I know this because in the text it says, “He felt a twinge of the old excitement and awe.” Which suggests that he had the same excitement as he did when he was younger.
    5.When Hark muttered, “She’s lost oars,” he was very frightened about what was going to happen next.
    6.I think it is the sea monster that Hark was talking about in the other texts.
    7.In the first part of the text everyone is cheering and excited as it says in the text, “Other people were calling out.” In the other part of the text it has a very nerve racking atmosphere and people are wondering about what is happening to the submarine.

    • 4th May 2020 at 10:48 am

      Some fantastic answers – well done Amy!

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:03 am

    1.Travel in a submarine.
    2.Her periscope is up so she could see what is around her.
    3.The crowed became exultant .
    4.Because the text says that Hank lived for such moment.
    5.Hank muttered.
    6. I think it was attacked by a sea animal.
    7.Because in the first part she did not have an accident, but in the second part she is in denger.

    • 4th May 2020 at 11:32 am

      Well done Emmanuela, you have answered these questions well.

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:20 am

    Reading 1️⃣ it is a submarine because in the it Says “sup”2️⃣ the Periscope so he can see where they are go in 3️⃣ exultant and deafening 4️⃣ she ‘s lost oars 5️⃣ a lost one propeller and the rear panel hung loose 6️⃣ it blown up

    • 4th May 2020 at 11:31 am

      Some great answers – well done Kaylend!

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:24 am

    Maths I don’t know 🤷‍♂️

    • 4th May 2020 at 11:31 am

      Those words are banned remember Kaylend. I’m looking forward to seeing you work.

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:25 am

    History I don’t know 🤔

    • 4th May 2020 at 11:30 am

      You need to research Kaylend using the internet and I know you are able to do that. Ask a teacher for help if you need to.

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:30 am

    i dont have power point so im doing the two tasks

    task one: acute,right angle,obtuse and reflex
    task two: line=180 triangle= 180 circle=360

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:35 am


    I remembered all the angles apart from the third one I
    that is the one I forget a lot.

    P.S I also got all three maths questions correct


    1.The weather
    2. The Great Pyramid of Giza
    3.Loads of countries but mainly Southwest Aisa
    4.The eye of horus

    • 4th May 2020 at 12:13 pm

      Excellent maths work Caiden. Why did the weather cause issues?

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:41 am

    ancient Greeks:

    they struggled when roman empire was invading Greece.

    The Greeks used bronze to make axes,chisels and hammers.

    they traded with Sicily, Arabia, Egypt.

    they believed in gods and goddess like Zeus,Hercules and mars

    • 4th May 2020 at 12:12 pm

      Why did the Roman Empire cause issues?

  • 4th May 2020 at 11:59 am

    acute = under 90 degrees
    obtuse = under 120 degrees
    reflex = under 180
    ? =under 360 degrees

    • 4th May 2020 at 12:12 pm

      What angle is 90 degrees exactly?

  • 4th May 2020 at 1:20 pm

    1.i think the abysmal child is in a submarine because it says in the text that,”her periscope’s up!”
    2.i think the periscope is up because it is looking above the water.
    3.”the crowd became exultant”
    4.i know because in the text it says,”old excitement and awe”and this suggests that this happened before in his childhood and it is bringing memories back to him.
    5.the evidence that says that some thing is wrong is,”the pale,entreated eyes painted on the prow were awash,as though weeping.”
    6.the monster that hawk was talking about in his story may have something to do with this since he said that some stories are a stretch of the truth. the first part everyone is cheering and excited but when it gets to the next part the atmosphere changes to nerves and wonder for what will happen.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:56 pm

      Some great answers – well done Badriyah!

  • 4th May 2020 at 2:09 pm

    History: ancient Egyptians
    1.they will face a problem with weather this mostly being heat
    2.they did make tools like weapons and they did use tools because if not the pyramids wouldn’t have been built but they did use other tools not just to build but to do field work.
    3.they did trade with people and as an example they traded with lebanon to get wood since there wasn’t much of it
    4.they believed in the pantheon gods since they believed they were all aspects of nature and human society.
    they have many traditions but one of them is that if someone died they would be rapt in linen.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:56 pm

      What religious ceremonies did they have?

  • 4th May 2020 at 2:48 pm

    1. I think the Abysmal child is traveling in a submarine
    2. I think the periscope is sup to see what is above her.
    3. exultant
    4. It says” Hark had lived such moments before”
    5. When Hark said “she is lost oars” he sounded scared
    6. I think it sank or it drifted it got attacked by something or people
    7. In the begging it was calm and everything was going to plan the at the end of it the tense started to build up.

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:56 pm

      Why do you think they are travelling in a submarine?

      • 5th May 2020 at 3:25 pm

        Because it says there is a periscope

  • 4th May 2020 at 2:50 pm

    To Miss Kinsella,
    for some reason when I click on the maths link it shows up in a different language like Arabic

    • 4th May 2020 at 2:55 pm

      I’d like to say that it is another challenge that I have set for you but it isn’t! Which maths link?

  • 4th May 2020 at 3:18 pm

    1. A submarine since in the text it says sub

    2. Her periscope will be up to see above water

    3. The crowd became exultant meaning
    There excited

    4. I know that hark has experienced it before since in the text it says reminds him of childhood

    5. I think it was involved in a storm c a using damages making the front compartment the only watertight area

    6. In the first part people are in good moods since they se it and cheer and shout however in the second half of the text it is More of a harsh realisation since they see how it’s destroyed and presumably dead

    • 4th May 2020 at 3:26 pm

      What does sub mean?

  • 4th May 2020 at 3:26 pm






    On a line 180

    In a triangle 270

    In a circle 360

  • 4th May 2020 at 4:58 pm

    History. The Ancient Egyptians.
    1. The ancient Egyptians had issues with the hot weather which made it quite hard to work.
    2. Yes, they did make tools using the resources that they had around them, such as: stone, clay and lots more.
    3. They did trade with others for certain things that they could not get or couldn’t grow. They traded things with people from their village or other villages.


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