Thursday 30th April – Year 1
Morning Year 1,
It’s celebration time! Here are certificates for the children who have managed to get in touch with us to show us their fantastic work from home:
Well done for working so hard to complete your home learning activities … hopefully we can give out even more certificates next week! Keep up the good work Year 1! : )
- Sounds-Write Phonics
- Reading/Writing
Go and pick your favourite pair of shoes.
Draw the shoes and write a description of why they are your favourite pair?
Can you use some interesting vocabulary and adjectives to describe your shoes?
Are they glittery? Do they light up? Are they a boot/shoe/sandal/trainer?
Have they got a thick sole or a big heel? Have they got a pattern on them? What colour are they? - Maths
Using the everyday 3D shapes from yesterday, investigate this question …
Which shapes can you stack on top of each other to make a tower?
Sort the 3D shapes into shapes that you can stack and shapes that cannot stack. - History
What is a shoemaker?
Question: What is a shoemaker’s job? Is it the same as a cobbler?
Write your answer in full sentences – remember capital letters, spaces between words and full stops!
We hope that you have a fantastic day,
Miss Simons, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Roberts : )
Sounds-Write Phonics
1 Tummy tum+my
Daily dai+ly
Paddy pad+dy
Speak speak
Please please
Steamroller steam+roll+er
Freeze freeze
Weed weed
Movie movie
Tweet tweet
Priest priest
Runny run+ny
Cavity cav+i+ty
Beanbag bean+bag
Underneath un+der+neath
Team team
Wheel wheel
Chief chief
Queen queen
Field field
He he
She she
Me me
Prit trip
Prith prime
Plith flith
Pleth plate
Bleth blech
Blith blink
Slith slime
Stith smith
Stib crib
He loves to go to field.
He was hiding beanbag underneath the wheel of his car.
2 , 3 and 4 submitted by email.
Well done again Japgun! : )