Year 2 Home Learning Tasks – Tuesday 21st April
Good morning Year 2!
We found this picture and we think it’s great, especially with your home learning.
Miss Battams and Miss Duncan 🙂
Here are today’s learning activities:
Reading –
Read the text.
Put the sentences from the story into the correct order.
Writing –
Look at the picture.
Create a word bank of adjectives to describe the setting e.g. unknown, mysterious, hidden
Using the adjectives you have created, write a description of the picture.
Sounds-Write Phonics – suffixes/endings of words (-ment, -ness, -ful, -less)
Review Read the following Year 2 words – Mr, pretty, because, Mrs, beautiful, father.
Read the words: illness, sadness, darkness, goodness
Write the words: weakness, coldness, wickedness.
Sound swap: cold-coldness-boldness-bold-bood-good-goodness
Basic Skills: Answer the following ‘Convince me!’ question.
Challenge: Can you make any links to your past learning – number bonds? Times tables?
Maths Task:
Complete the following Maths tasks
Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.
Stretch your fingers out like fireworks twelve times.
Can you write the following letters joined up? Remember to leave a finger space.
* vo
* wo
* do
* lo
Tick your neatest formation and be proud of your handwriting.
Warm up – start at 1:00
Activity –
Cool Down-
Bella the Dog has set a reading challenge for the whole school.
Have you do or could do any of these activities?
Enjoy your activities and please send us pictures and comments to keep us updated!
You can send questions or pictures of your work to our year group email address:
Miss Duncan and Miss Battams.
Elliot enjoyed yesterday’s maths and did cane up with some great adjectives and description for the picture too.
Good to hear.
Keep up the good work.
Miss Duncan
1) Mum lost the keys.
2) Mum asked Travis to help her look for the keys.
3) They look under the sofa.
4) Travis looked in the kitchen drawer.
5) Mum found her keys.
A magical house on top of the cliff, it looks like hotel transylvania. Set in an enchanted forest.
Two times Four equals Eight
Apple – 80 grams
Lime – 55 grams
Satsuma – 65 grams
Plum – 40 grams
Order the fruit from the lightest to the heaviest
The pink pencil case has a greater mass than the spotty pencil case. Is he correct? NO
What is the difference in mass between the two pencil case? Pink pencil case is in 2’s and Spotty pencil case in 5’s.
Well done Zion!
Miss Duncan