Reception Home Learning – Wednesday 22nd April
Morning everybody
Wow! Well done to everyone who has come back to their home learning as if we were back at school. It has been lovely to see everyone’s pictures on Tapestry so well done to the children whose work we have seen this week – Chloe B, Robert, Tyrelle, Alex N, Daniele, Elijah, Ksenia, Theo and Zante. We love to see your work.
I hope you are enjoying thinking about when we learnt about the owl babies. Today you are going to tell your grown ups the story!
Using this story map tell your grown up the Owl Babies story. Grown ups, please encourage your children to use full sentences and to use lots of descriptive language they can.
Write the sounds r, n,m, i, making sure the letters are small and start inbetween the top and bottom line and sit on the bottom line.
Read – Run Run Run
You could also do the games at the top of the page.
Write (dictate the sentence to them – do not copy it) – Run to the top of the hill.
Write the sounds sh, ch, ng, ck, qu, ai, ee
Read – Jan’s pancakes
Write (dictate the sentence to them – do not copy it) – Jan made (they will spell maid or mayd – don’t worry) lunch. She had fish and chips.
Write the sounds sh, ch, ng, ck, qu, th, wh, ai, ay ee, e, ee, y, igh, ie, oa, ow, oo, ar, or, aw
Re read Claws
Write (dictate the sentence to them – do not copy it). I do not want claws. They are sharp. I like to have hands a the end of my long arms.
Warm up – Try to remember all the number bonds to 10 – you can use fingers up and down to find them all/
Main – Using objects or a number line calculate these subtractions.
10 subtract 2 is 10 subtract 5 is 8 subtract 3 is 9 subtract 5 is etc – change the numbers according to your child’s level. The children should attempt to write them – if they cannot write the number they can use dots.
Also, here is an online game to play with your number line:
Well done everybody – keep you the great work (and thank you parents!!)
Rohaan enjoyed learning maths and he tried to explain the story of 3 owls. Thank you teachers for your continued support.
You are so welcome! Glad that you are finding the ideas useful and well done Rohaan for doing your work! Mrs O’Hagan