Thursday 2nd April – Year 6
Watch the video below:
Can you write a comparison of the two settings – the city and the countryside?
You could write a description of one and then of the other or you could use conjunctions to compare throughout your writing.
Complete the following quizzes:
Create a presentation piece about Sikhism. You can focus on one particular aspect i.e. the Gurdwara, Gurus etc or you can complete a piece about everything that you have learnt. This can be on A4 paper or A3 but should include writing and drawing.
The city is a dirty place to be and it’s full of houses the city is also crowded. But the countryside is open and there is so much more space and colour it’s also more clean there because there’s no factory’s.
The city is a crowded area with lots of people rushing around trying to get to places. The air in the city is all polluted due to the fact that there are tons of factories and machinery too.
However, the countryside is a beautiful place were the air is fresh and clean. There are less people and less pollution and more wildlife that can run around freely.
The city is a crowded place with a lot of people but the contryside is a calm relaxed place with a lot of vegetation not like the city which is full of vehicles.Due to the fact of the vehicles the air is polluted not like the contryside. The contryside is full of plants on the other hand the city is full of people rushing
The city:
In the city it can be described in many different ways but in this form it is dark and there is no sight of natural things like grass ; only rain. In the video the boy is all alone and he has a dream to go to the country side but he is douse not have enough money so in addition, earns money by playing the guitar. I know this because every now and then people drop a few pennies for him- he keeps them safe in a jar. The city is crowded with people and the air is polluted due to all the buildings with all the lights on and the cars all around moving. In this context the city is very dark and dingy; this is because all the buildings are black and it is raining with only lampposts , cars head lights and buildings. The city is very crowded
The county:
Well, the country it is the oposotite to the city; it is bright and all spaced out.This is because there are no buildings and it is all natural light ( from the sun, mostly) and it is all different, neon, and welcoming colors. It is full of green bright vegetation. Also, another compareson is that the air there isn’t poluted. Finally, the boy has enough money and he goes to his dream place and he lives the dream with his pet dog and they all live happly ever after!!
The end!! 😄
In the packed streets of the city, many people cause problems that they leave to other people ,there are people who don’t cause any problems but they don’t get what they want , they are still waiting for there blessing .We need to help the helpless
In the busy city, buildings are filled like a jug of water and everywhere in the streets like a cake being sprinkled. Modern work places, are popular in the city and most people visit them ; most of the people are in a rush and forget it is a work place. Families come and explore the large mall, then when they finish they try and squeeze the precious , expensive things in their boot. While security men watch them closely!
Although the weather is very is bad, people with less money (poor people)come and hold a performance there talents ,street performers . Stray animals normally follow poor people that they like and that know will take care of them . Then that’s when the hard working people notice them, pets /animals will always attract someone’s eye.The city will always be a big jail, that you are trapped in.
However in the friendly countryside , it’s different. You have more space , more freedom ! Houses are very different and have there own unique style . Even though there aren’t many people ,they are like family you go round they come round , there’s no traffic. You don’t rely on shops to have everything, you provide your own stuff for your family and make them happy!
The wildlife ids the best part, different animals in different places . They aren’t trapped in the big zoos , but they rome and rule over the land . No one disturbs them no noises nothing!
The end
The city is a nasty place, and the Street are small and damp and whith a lot of buiddings ,the sky was dark and cloudy ,and a lot of people are going the same direction and making the Street full of people.
The city was filled with people all in a rush they hurried in a surge it was nearly as if they were in a panic among the crowd, I could see stalls with people trying to sell all sorts of things but among the confusion and consisted space up ahead I could see the Gurdwara on the other side of the city so I managed to make it to the Gurdwara and it turns out that on this side of the city they were also many other nice things like clear paths without mud and muck it was a free space so I continued my little voyage through the rest of the city.
Hi. I just wanted to let you know that on the first maths quiz I got 8/10. On the two that I got wrong I am a little stuck on. They are number 9 and 10. I hope every is ok I’m missing you all!!!
Hi Freya
I’ve e-mailed you explaining how to complete questions 9 and 10. Hope that helps.
city is more ignarante and country is more free
Are you able to extend on this?
1 test 8/10 question 2 and 6 wrong
2 test 6/10 questions 6,8,4,1,2 wrong
3 test 7/10 questions 9,5 and 1 wrong
4 test 14/20 didn’t do 1 question
Well done Chanel – some great scores! Were you able to work out where you went wrong on those questions?
Well done Year 6, you have completed some great comparative descriptions.