Hola, Buenas tardes Me IIamo Hassan,como esta usted?.Today i learnt few spanish phrases like:
Hola= Hi
Buenos Dias=good morning
buenas tardes = good afternoon
Buenos noches= good night
how are you? = como esta usted?
very well,and you?=muy bein y usted?
please=por favor
you’re welcome= De nada
thankyou= gracias
its nice to meet you=mucho gusto
Hola, Buenas tardes Me IIamo Hassan,como esta usted?.Today i learnt few spanish phrases like:
Hola= Hi
Buenos Dias=good morning
buenas tardes = good afternoon
Buenos noches= good night
how are you? = como esta usted?
very well,and you?=muy bein y usted?
please=por favor
you’re welcome= De nada
thankyou= gracias
its nice to meet you=mucho gusto