Year 2 Home Learning – Thursday 26th March

Thursday 26th March 2020

Hello Year 2,

I hope you are all well and enjoying your home learning.

I am amazing by the work I have seen on the blog and the photos emailed to me.

We are all so proud of you!

Here are today’s learning activities:


Look at the picture in your learning pack (ship in stormy weather).

What can you see? How would you describe this picture? What adjectives and adverbs would you use to describe it?

Write a short description of what you can see in the picture using the words you came up with.


Sounds-Write Phonics

Review all previously learnt sounds and reading the following words:  Sadness, madness, hardness, prove, improve

Read the words: Adding the suffix -ness.  High-ness , Cold-ness , Dark-ness

Write the words: Happi-ness Loneli-ness Sick-ness

Dictation: Her highness was filled with loneliness as she sat in the darkness.



Basic Skills – Can you recall the ten times table up to 12×10?

Extension – Can you do it out of order?

Can you answer these questions about fractions?

  • ‘Mia has £6 and wants to give half to her little sister. How much does her sister get?’
  • ‘There are 20 children on the playground. A quarter of them go inside for lunch. How many are left on the playground?’
  • ‘A Science lesson takes 33 minutes. A third of the lesson was on an experiment. How long did it take to complete the experiment? How long was left of the lesson once the experiment was over?’

Can you answer the question in a full sentence instead of just writing a number?

What did you do to find the total?


Warm up: Wiggle your fingers up high, down low, to the side and in front of you.

Stretch your fingers out like fireworks twelve times.

Can you write the following letters joined up? Remember to leave a finger space.





Tick your best one.



Look at yourself in a mirror or at a picture of yourself.

What facial features do you notice?

Where are they on your face?

Draw the outline of your face then one straight line down the middle and one across.

Can you add your facial features and draw a self-portrait?

Can you remember where your ears are in relation to your eyes?

Extension – add colour but make sure it’s appropriate. I don’t think anyone has green ears!


Story Giraffes can’t dance.

Watch and talk about this story.

What did you like?

How did it make you feel?



Enjoy your activities and please send us pictures and comments to keep us updated!


Miss Duncan and Miss Battams x

8 thoughts on “Year 2 Home Learning – Thursday 26th March

  • 26th March 2020 at 2:50 pm

    Elliot is very grumpy today but completed the maths and English work. He came up with some great words to describe the storm:
    wobbling anchor
    raging clouds
    lightening sea
    He also wrote a lovely beginning to a story about the storm but forget to put this phrases into it!

    • 26th March 2020 at 4:34 pm

      They are great expanded nouns!
      Good job Elliot.

      Miss Duncan

    • 26th March 2020 at 7:04 pm

      It’s ok to have a grumpy day Elliot! We all have those some times 🙂 You’ve used some fantastic vocabulary to describe the picture, well done!
      Miss Battams 🙂

  • 26th March 2020 at 3:04 pm

    Today we started with PE as usual then did some maths. We then did the Art task and Kiarah helped her sister do hers aswel. We then learnt to read and write some music notes in the garden and finished by writing a story about the picture of the ship.

    • 26th March 2020 at 4:35 pm

      Well Done Kiarah.
      It’s great you are helping your sister as well. What a good team!
      Music is the garden sounds wonderful.

      Keep up the brilliant work.

      Miss Duncan

    • 26th March 2020 at 7:04 pm

      Once again, great work Kiarah! Really lovely to hear you’re helping your sister too.

      Miss Battams:)

  • 27th March 2020 at 12:20 pm

    Part of Kaya’s story:
    Let’s kill it said the captain but how said the crew. With our stingray, so then they saw the rare sea monster and dropped the stingray because they wanted to capture it but the sea monster refused and got away. Who knows what will happen next…

    Kaya really enjoyed doing this!

    • 27th March 2020 at 1:18 pm

      Brilliant work Kaya!
      What a great imagination you have.

      Keep up the good work.

      Miss Duncan


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